10 Alternatives To Avoid Salt In Your Diet

Excess salt not only spoils the taste of many dishes and is harmful to health.

The alternatives to avoid salt in food are widely used today. In general, nutritionists and physicians advise their patients to reduce their salt intake.

Following this advice, regardless of the age of the person, is sensible. In fact, in some cases, reducing or eliminating added salt may become essential ; in others, it is certainly a matter of prevention.

Salt and disease

Experts are concerned about the ailments derived from excess salt in the diet. Some of them are the following:

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Stomach cancer.

Research from the World Health Organization indicates that humans consume twice the amount of salt that the body really needs.

Junk food, sweets, snacks, ultra-processed foods, incorporate an excessive amount of salt that is harmful to health.

Good nutrition is a matter of habits and therefore, it is possible to change them. One way to avoid excess salt is to try to use other ingredients for seasoning, such as spices, herbs. With them, the taste of the food will be maintained and the chances of suffering from hypertension will be reduced.

Alternatives to avoid salt

Dietary salt

Avoid excessive consumption of salt

It is sold in herbalists and is reduced in sodium. One of the most used is the potassium salt, which is made from potassium chloride.

Vegetable salt is another of these alternatives to avoid common salt. It is obtained from some vegetables, among which are capers, parsley, garlic and onions.

Spices and aromatic herbs

They season and add flavor. Although they do not have the same taste as salt, they enrich the food; they can be used in the most diverse dishes. The most used are black pepper, cumin, tarragon, oregano, paprika, saffron.

Many of these herbs can be grown at home, in pots. In this way, the fresh and natural product will be available.

While it may happen that the palate misses a bit at first, after a short time the change will be enjoyed.


It is an excellent flavor enhancer, but should be used in grain, since the one that comes creamy in jars has added salt. It is especially suggested to season white and red meats.



Lemon juice is a practical option. In its proper measure, it adds a pleasant flavor to meals and is especially recommended for meats and salads.

In addition to flavor, it incorporates good doses of vitamins, especially vitamin C, so necessary for the body.


The food industry has experimented with acidic media as an alternative to avoiding salt. Vinegar is a product that works very well. Increase the use of vinegar and reduce the use of salt in a salad. For example, it can be installed as a good and healthy habit.

Onion and garlic powder

Onion and garlic powder

Onion and garlic powder are two great flavorings. They should be used in moderation, since if they are exaggerated they can cancel the original taste of the food.

Other foods that salty naturally

Anchovies, tuna, Parmesan cheese are used as natural flavorings to avoid common salt. The sodium content of its composition is sufficient to provide flavor and makes the addition of salt unnecessary.

Very tasty preparations

Seasonings such as chili or tabasco are included in this group . The power of its flavor deceives the palate and salt is not so missed. At the time of purchase it is necessary to verify that they do not have added salt.



It is also called “sesame salt.” It is a food of Japanese origin, which does not completely eliminate the use of salt, but reduces it. In addition to flavor, gomasio provides the body with proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins and calcium.

It is very easy to prepare, since it only requires brown sesame or chia seeds (7 teaspoons) and sea salt (1 teaspoon) in a pan.

Soy sauce

It is low in sodium but has an intense flavor. It becomes an interesting alternative to avoid salt. Only a small amount is necessary to flavor a dish.

Healthy eating habits are essential when it comes to preventing or curing diseases. Reducing or eliminating salt intake is one of the most recommended.

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