11 Reasons Why Your Feet Sweat Too Much

Do you think your feet sweat excessively? We have all had this problem at times and we already know that it can be really annoying.

Fortunately, for most it is an isolated episode caused by the performance of some physical exercise (such as a  hike) or by a very hot climate.

However, If this problem occurs repeatedly, you should know that the reasons can be very diverse although, in general, it is a natural condition . Only in some cases can it be due to medical factors and improper grooming.

Here are some of the reasons why your feet may be sweating too much. Always remember that,  In case the sweating seems uncontrollable, you should always go to a specialist podiatrist to help you find the solution.

1. Your feet sweat too much because you choose inappropriate footwearTaking off your shoes before entering the house is not so bad

It is likely that you have not analyzed it or that you do not believe it, but there are foods that can increase the sweating of your feet, such as spicy food. This is suggested in this study by the platform of the Medical Community on the Internet.

  • If you suffer from excess sweat on your feet, avoid these foods for a few days or weeks.
  • In case you notice that the situation improves, be sure to limit the consumption of these products.

5. Health problems

Other reasons why your feet sweat too much include medical problems such as:

  • Diabetes This is stated by this information obtained from the Mayo Clinic.
  • Diseases that alter the nervous system, as suggested by this research from the Hospital de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile. 
  • The constipation. Although there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

If you have made sure that your shoes and socks are adequate and your diet is free of the products that we mentioned and, despite everything, the problem continues, go for a medical check-up to rule out these problems .

6. Hyperhidrosis

Hyperdrosis is a condition that your doctor must determine, but do not worry: according to this study carried out by the Hospital Clínico de Salamanca, it has treatment.

It is the failure of the sweat glands in certain areas of the body that produce too much sweat for no apparent reason .

As we have already said, with cases of hyperhidrosis, treatment can be carried out to control the problem, but in the most extreme cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.

7. Lack of cleanliness

This is an obvious reason for excessive sweating. If you do not maintain proper hygiene on your feet, it is likely that they begin to sweat excessively.

Through sweat the body releases toxins. S If they feel trapped in their feet, they seek a way to free themselves through excessive sweating.

Its convenient that:

  • You are always worth your feet.
  • Dry them properly.
  • Change your socks daily.
  • Use talc .

8. Emotional factors

The emotional state can affect the sweating of the feet

One of the reasons why your feet may be sweating too much may be your mood. Anxiety, as stated in this study carried out by the Virtual Health Library of Honduras, could be one of the causes.

Your feet may feel very wet in situations where you feel very nervous, angry, scared, stressed, or excited.

If you are going through a time where your emotions are uncontrolled, try to relax to avoid excessive sweating .

9. Genetics

Sometimes excessive sweating is determined by genetics, as stated in this research carried out by the Hospital Pediátrico Universitario de Holguín, Cuba.

Have you noticed that your family members sweat excessively? In that case, You will not have many options, except to look for cosmetic products that help you control the problem.

10. Infections

Infections find a perfect habitat on the feet if they are not kept clean. According to this study carried out by the Universidad de los Andes, mycoses can produce a bad smell wherever they are.

  • The proliferation of fungi is the result of a maceration of bacteria and affects both the nails and the rest of the foot.
  • If you suffer from this condition you can apply creams against infections . They can be easily found on the market at affordable prices. If the problem is serious, consult your podiatrist. 

11. Attachment to a shoe

Do you have a couple of shoes that you can’t let go because they are your favorites? Do you wear the same footwear for more than two days in a row?

In case you really like that pair of shoes, buy more than one pair So you can take advantage of and have several colors that facilitate the combination with several looks, and air one of the pairs while wearing the other. 

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