18 Incredible Benefits Of Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride would help fight depression, dizziness and fatigue. However, if you take antibiotics, the effectiveness of some of them could decrease.

Magnesium chloride works as a dietary supplement with interesting health benefits. It would help to keep the body young and vital, in addition to fighting and preventing different infections.

It really is a useful and beneficial compound for all ages.  However, like any active ingredient, it also has some important contraindications that must be taken into account.

Magnesium chloride is made up of chlorine and magnesium, two substances that provide health and beauty benefits in certain circumstances. In fact, this compound has been used for industrial purposes, but it is also widely used by medicine. Would you like to know the benefits of magnesium chloride?

Magnesium chloride.

Magnesium Chloride Benefits

Magnesium chloride is credited with all kinds of health benefits. However, the vast majority of its alleged properties do not have scientific studies to support them. Therefore, many of its benefits are only supported by anecdotal data.

So, according to popular wisdom, magnesium chloride:

  • It would stimulate hormonal regulation.
  • It would balance the body temperature.
  • It would help combat dizziness and fatigue.
  • It would act as a calcium binder in the bones.
  • It would help in cases like colitis and constipation.
  • It would decrease the symptoms of PMS.
  • It would fight free radicals for its antioxidant properties.
  • It would promote the cleaning of the arteries and prevent, in turn, atherosclerosis.
  • It would prevent problems like hemorrhoids and improve overall intestinal health.
  • It would promote blood circulation by dissolving the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • It would strengthen the immune system : thus, it would serve to prevent colds, colds and infections.
  • It would promote cell regeneration and, therefore, act against premature aging.

According to scientific evidence, magnesium chloride:

  • It would have anti-stress properties.
  • It would help to eliminate the acid that accumulates in the kidneys; It would thus promote good kidney function and health according to data from a 2017 investigation.
  • It would stimulate brain functions and the transmission of nerve impulses, which would contribute to mental balance, as an article in the Nutrients Magazine points out .
  • It would prevent and combat muscle injuries, cramps, fatigue and muscle fatigue.
  • It would stimulate the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. In old research, experts MF Ghani and M. Rabah they considered that this would in turn prevent heart disease. More studies would be necessary.

  • It would prevent the formation of kidney stones, because it would prevent calcium oxalate from accumulating in them as evidenced by an investigation by Advanced Biomedical Research .

Contraindications of magnesium chloride

Treatment of giardiasis

Although magnesium chloride would have many health benefits, it must be clarified that in some cases it would be contraindicated and it would be better not to consume it.

  • It would be contraindicated for people suffering from diarrhea, as it would have a laxative effect.
  • It should be avoided in people with kidney disease, especially if they have kidney failure.
  • It should not be consumed in case of ulcerative colitis, as it could exacerbate diarrhea.
  • If antibiotics were taken, magnesium chloride could decrease the effectiveness of some of them, so it is recommended to take it 3 or 4 hours before consuming the antibiotic.

How to prepare magnesium chloride?

Although magnesium chloride can be found ready-made and in tablets, there is also a formula to make it at home. You’ll need:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 wooden spoon.
  • Crystallized magnesium chloride (30 g).


  • Bring the liter of water to a boil and let it cool.
  • Then, it is poured into a glass container and the 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride are dissolved.
  • Mix with the wooden spoon, cover well and store.

What dose to take?

The dose of magnesium chloride depends on the problem to be treated as well as the age of the person who is going to ingest it. Ideally, consult your doctor beforehand to know the exact dose according to your own need.

However, in general, a dose of one to two tablespoons of magnesium chloride per day is recommended after the age of 35. Before this age, only half a tablespoon would be recommended, if authorized by the physician.

To avoid adverse reactions and interactions, it is best not to consume magnesium chloride or any other natural product without first consulting your doctor. Especially if the objective is to integrate this element into the diet and maintain it in the long term.

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