5 Reasons Why You Are Not Achieving Results With Your Diet

Did you know that if you abuse those foods that are considered healthy, you may not be able to achieve the expected results with respect to your diet?

Being in constant search of methods that allow you to eliminate the extra kilos is a task that requires time, effort and a lot of perseverance. In this process, there are people who reach their ideal size, but if you do not achieve results with the diet, calm down! Here we are going to help you.

Overweight people start this work with different objectives, including improving the appearance of their figure, but also to develop a better quality of life. However, there are factors that can prevent successful diet development.

There are diets of all kinds. With carbohydrates, without them, vegetarians, a week or a month and much more. The dilemma is to know which one suits the needs and how to control the achievement of the results so as not to fall into stagnation, an uncomfortable situation. If you feel identified, continue reading and know the 5 reasons why you do not achieve results with your diet.

Genes Influence Your Diet Results

Before going into detail, it is convenient that you understand the following: genes are decisive in this process of losing weight.

results with your diet

There are genes that influence the metabolism of people in different ways. So you can detect people who have a higher metabolism than others. Or, from another perspective, there are people with a greater tendency to store fat than others, despite having a similar diet and lifestyle. This is evidenced by a study published in Comptes Rendus Biologies , where there are relationships between certain genotypes and the risk of weight gain.

That is why there are cases of people who have gained weight despite following a low carbohydrate diet. Knowing the body is necessary to achieve the established goals. Fortunately, each individual can find an eating plan that suits their characteristics and that works effectively for as long as possible. Now you understand why professional advice is necessary.

Reasons why you are not achieving results with your diet

We are going to explain the main reasons why the diet sometimes does not work.

1. Count the calories and not the nutritional contribution of each food

Counting the calories of food is one of the pillars when carrying out a diet to lose weight. However, it is not the only thing to consider. Also, it is necessary to assess the quality of the nutrients it provides .. On the other hand, not all foods that add fewer calories are ideal to add to the menu. In fact, some nutritionists claim that women should aim for 1,200 calories per day and men 1,500.

For this, you must make sure that each food you eat provides, in combination with others, all the macronutrients that the body needs. Read the product labels and do your research. Thus, the body will function optimally the rest of the day.

Also keep in mind that there are other mechanisms capable of influencing weight gain or loss, beyond caloric balance. One of them could be metabolic flexibility, which has been shown to influence the use of nutrients for energy production. When this is low, the oxidation of fats is hindered.

2. Zero diets on weekends

In food plans there is the figure of indulgences. It is about those moments in which you can eat a sweet or a “forbidden” food. Normally, they recommend it once a week. It all depends on the characteristics and objectives of the person.

Now, if you include indulgences daily or all weekend in the regimen, we assure you that you will not achieve results with your diet. Eating a little more for dinner or a glass of wine on the weekend will not cause problems.

Glass of wine.

Yes you will drink a bottle or devour a whole pizza. All work for the week will be lost due to the exaggerated amount of calories.

3. You forget or avoid breakfast

Skipping breakfast is one of the most common mistakes you can make when you want to lose weight. Starting the day with a good breakfast will allow you to balance hunger throughout the day. Eating fewer calories in the first meal will make you eat more in the following. You will not feel full and you will lack energy and motivation to carry out your activities. Also, eating a healthy breakfast speeds up your metabolism and helps burn fat.

Anyway, this theory begins to be more and more disputed. In recent years, a series of intermittent fasting protocols have emerged that have been shown to be capable of improving weight loss, in addition to providing other benefits for the body.

4. You choose wrong sources of protein

Genetically, humans react in different ways to food. There are protein sources that are high in saturated fat levels (including pork and beef). Therefore, to lose weight it is advisable to consume the proteins provided by fish, poultry, legumes and tofu.

5. You abuse good fats

Everything in excess is bad. That is a premise that is fulfilled in any aspect of life and much more in food. If you are not achieving results with the diet, perhaps it is because you consume many servings a day of the foods that you consider healthy.

Olive oil.

For example, olive oil is a good fat that keeps the state of your heart in optimal condition, as explained by the Spanish Heart Foundation . However, if for this reason you choose to consume it in many servings a day, you will be making a serious mistake. You must control fats, both the bad and the good. Eat them in acceptable quantities. Why abuse?

You are interested in reading: 2 ways to accompany your steamed vegetables

Change your weight loss habits

These are five reasons that may be preventing you from losing weight. Errors that you may make without realizing it, but that influence the results in the same way. We recommend that you plan each meal and do your research on the foods you eat.

Remember that fruits and vegetables cannot be absent. They contain vitamins and minerals that will help you nourish yourself and feel full. If you do not achieve results with the diet, review these aspects, change what you consider necessary and ask a specialist for help.

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