5 Tricks To Repel Cockroaches Without Using Insecticides

If you want to ward off cockroaches and even eliminate them, here are some natural elements that can help you.

Sometimes it is inexplicable how tiny insects like cockroaches can cause so much fear in some people. If it is not fear, it is repulsion; its presence will cause you some sensation.

Now, did you know that you can repel roaches without using insecticides? If you are interested in learning about these methods, keep reading.

Do you have cockroaches at home?

Blatodeans are one of the most prevalent insects in the world. Cockroaches have become almost a pest: they have the facility to hide in places that are difficult to access and they reproduce quickly.

Regarding their main characteristics, they prefer humid and dark places to live ; especially if they are dirty. In addition, they use their antennas to locate themselves in the spaces they inhabit, since they are almost blind.

If you want to know if there are roaches in your home, a first place to look is behind or under the refrigerator and washing machine. Likewise, the stove and furniture are also great accommodations for them.

Therefore, many people look for ways to prevent them from reaching home. Fortunately, there are natural resources that can be used to avoid these insects.

Dangers of having cockroaches in the home

It is not just a matter of panic or obsession with cleanliness. In reality, cockroaches do pose a threat to the health of those who live in the home. These are the main ones:

  • They transmit diseases:  in fact, they are great vectors for the transport of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, eggs and fungi. They can cause conditions like gastroenteritis, salmonella, leptospirosis, cholera, food poisoning, and typhus.
  • They easily contaminate food, since they carry the bacteria on their feet; This is important because they tend to inhabit the kitchen in search of food scraps.
  • Their excreta can cause allergies such as hives, sneezing and tearing.

Cockroaches eating crumbs.

How to repel them without using insecticides?

Although we can choose a wide range of commercial products to eliminate the plague from the home, it is also possible to resort to certain natural options, as we will see below.

1. Bay leaves

The leaves of this aromatic European tree are real repellants for cockroaches, because they have an odor that they dislike. It will be enough to crush or chop them and place them in the places where these creatures roam at night.

Of course,  cleaning these corners will be essential. In this way we will be able to guarantee the effectiveness of this method, as with the rest of those that we will describe here.

2. Baking soda and sugar

When do not? Baking soda to the rescue. If you combine a cup of this product with another of sugar and sprinkle that preparation around the house, you can get rid of cockroaches.

The explanation is simple: sugar, which is a food, attracts them; then the bicarbonate will cause gases in your body that will be lethal.

3. Citronella

An extremely effective plant to repel not only cockroaches, but also mosquitoes and other insects. Its use is simple, you just have to follow the steps listed here:

  • Form cotton balls and put citronella oil in each one.
  • Put the balls in the places where the roaches can live.

Another option: mix half a cup of water and 5 drops of cypress essential oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil; then spray where roaches usually appear.

4. Borax

Like so many other uses around the home, borax is also important in getting rid of pests like cockroaches. In addition, it is an inexpensive product.

How? Just spread it around those places where these insects circulate. When touched, they will become dehydrated and die.

5. Diatomaceous earth

The last method of repelling cockroaches without using insecticides that we will describe below is based on diatomaceous earth. It is a powerful organic element that will also help eliminate other pests in the house.

It is possible to repel roaches without using insecticides with some natural ingredients.

Ultimately, it causes the same effect as borax: it dehydrates insects. In addition, you can apply it without problems near food.

It works very simply: you just have to spread it on the floor. A very practical way to achieve this is to use a sock filled with diatomaceous earth; When passing it over the desired surface, there will be slight traces of this white substance that will be more than enough.

Cleanliness is crucial in the fight against cockroaches

Good home cleaning can go a long way in preventing roaches from invading your home.

It is especially important to take care of the cleanliness of the kitchen. For example, it is not necessary to leave crumbs on the surfaces or packaging of sugar, flour, cereals, cheese, etc., without properly storing.

This, added to the methods to repel cockroaches without using insecticides, will allow you to have a house free of this pest. Once this process is completed, you will be able to sleep knowing that no invader is walking through your kitchen.

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