5 Ways To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone Without Dying In The Attempt

Although it seems to us that we are safe in our comfort zone, we really remain in it because of our fears, which prevent us from growing and dare to face the unknown

Do you feel stuck in your life? Don’t you have any goals? So, you may need to get out of your comfort zone, that zone in which we feel so comfortable, but at the same time so limited. Today you will discover some ways to achieve it. Continue reading!

The comfort zone

The comfort zone is formed due to our constant tendency to seek what gives us security. Therefore, we cling to what gives us this feeling.

However, this can be very limiting. The comfort zone sometimes makes us depend on a job that we don’t like or on a partner that we don’t want because “well, it’s not bad . However, over time this can wear us down.

How to get out of your comfort zone

1. Write down everything you like to do


One of the ways to get out of your comfort zone consists of something very simple: take a notebook or a sheet of paper and start writing down all the activities or things that make you happy.

You might like to ride horses, read, go for a walk, go to the gym, skate, travel, play an instrument … Now the question is: do you spend time on all that you like?

If you are in your safe zone, you will most likely realize that you have stopped doing many of those things that you like. Now is the time to get them back. Take that paper and start transforming what you have written into acts.

2. Come back to take care of yourself

Another way to get out of your comfort zone is to take care of yourself again. Because, even if you don’t realize it, that safe place limits you and wears you down so much that you’ve stopped thinking about yourself.

How long have you not been exercising? Are you eating the right way? Do you sleep what your body asks of you? Sure there are things that you are not paying attention to.

Getting out of your comfort zone is difficult. Laziness will invade you to ask yourself: “What good is all this to me?” There is the key. Ignore this thought. Think of yourself, take care of yourself and you will see how everything begins to change for the better.

3. Socialize with other people

Friends talking

The comfort zone sometimes isolates you in such a way that you stop meeting friends or even that great laziness invades you to meet new people.

It is important that, once you have completed the previous steps, you begin to socialize with people who may be involved in what you are doing. For example, if you like to play an instrument and you join a group, interact with the other members! Do not close in band.

Moving in other circles of friends can make you insecure, but that is a consequence of having been in your comfort zone too long.

4. Make time for yourself

The fourth way to get out of your comfort zone is to set aside time for yourself. Although it may not seem very important, the truth is that it is!

Reserve half an hour or an hour and do what you want. What does your body tell you? What do you fancy? Put your thoughts aside and let your heart guide you. Thoughts can limit you, as they will try to convince you not to leave your safe zone.

5. Start questioning your thoughts

Thoughtful man

As you have been able to realize, those who try to convince you not to leave your comfort zone are your thoughts. Those who tell you that you are safe there, that nothing bad will happen to you. However, do you know if they are actually true? As in other facets of life, why not try to contradict them?

You will find yourself realizing how wrong those thoughts are and the number of beliefs that swarm through your mind. It is time to put all this down and start living fully without fear.

We hope that these ways of getting out of your comfort zone can help you or give you some clues on how to improve your life. Likewise, we encourage you to be aware that this safety zone contains many fears and uncertainties that we feed by staying in that same place.

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