6 Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Your Health

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is extremely beneficial for health. Hence the convenience of knowing its medicinal properties. In this article, we illustrate the reasons why you should make its consumption a habit.

This is our advice: try taking it daily and you will see the results.

How to prepare lemon juice


By lemon juice is understood the juice that is extracted from the pulp of the lemon when it is squeezed.

R updates We suggest to use whenever possible ecological lemons. Thus, we can also consume its bark, which is very rich in polyphenols, according to this study carried out by the National Agrarian University of the Jungle. If the lemon is not organic, we will not be able to use it. Otherwise, we would be ingesting a significant amount of pesticides and waxes.

If the lemon is organic, we will beat the whole citrus for a few minutes. Previously, we will have cut it into four pieces and added 1 glass of water (200 ml). Next, we will filter the resulting liquid. By then, we will have our medicinal lemon juice ready.

When we use the lemon with its peel, it is inevitable that the drink has a slight bitter taste. If it is too strong for us, we could add a little pure stevia. Remember to avoid sugar, as it would detract from the quality of our drink.

1. Powerful antioxidant

Lemon juice is a powerful antioxidant, as stated in this study conducted by the University of Alabama in Huntsville; hence it is an excellent remedy to prevent the action of free radicals on our body. Basically, it contains vitamin C, flavonoids and beta carotenes.

It is for all this that consuming antioxidant foods such as lemon juice helps us to be healthy.

Lemon is one of the most cleansing fruits that exist. This means that it helps us eliminate toxins that accumulate in our body. It favors liver function since, according to  this study carried out by Sun Yat-sen University, it is hepatoprotective against some types of liver conditions.

On the other hand, its high content of calcium and potassium facilitates the filtering of toxins and waste substances carried out by the kidneys. This explains that it helps us fight fluid retention in the body. And, therefore, it favors the regulation of blood pressure.

3. Alkalizes the body


Despite being acidic, lemon has the ability to neutralize excess acids in the stomach. Therefore, it contributes to the alkalization of the blood and the body in general.

It is convenient to know that the acidic environment makes our organism more vulnerable. Among the diseases that could develop in an acidic environment is cancer. Some studies even show that daily consumption of lemon juice can help prevent certain types.

4. Cardiovascular protector

As mentioned before, lemon contains significant amounts of vitamin C which, according to this research conducted by the University of Connecticut, could influence the protection of our cardiovascular system. As for antioxidants, in this case, hesperidin and rutin are of special interest. Together, they help the veins and arteries to be more elastic.

This makes lemon juice useful to prevent diseases such as hypertension, varicose veins, hemorrhoids or arteriosclerosis.

5. Helps to lose weight


Lemon is believed to have the property of stimulating metabolism and dissolving fats.

This would be possible thanks to its high content of vitamin C, pectins and caffeine. However, there are no studies to support this claim. 

On the other hand, lemon juice has a satiating effect. Hence, it is an effective remedy to control appetite, especially if we take it between meals.

6. Improves digestion

As paradoxical as it may seem, the skin of this citrus fruit could be beneficial for our intestinal system.  This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology in India.

We could consume it by adding it to an infusion or as a dressing for many of our dishes. We could also drink its juice on an empty stomach. Do not forget to add its zest to desserts.

Remember: In general, seasoning our meals with lemon also improves the assimilation of iron. And, it also helps fight anemia naturally.

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