6 Risks Of Drinking Diet Soda

Normally think that diet soda is a LiBr pass and to take it in large quantities.

Advertising campaigns have convinced us that we can consume these drinks whenever we want without seeing any side effects on our health.

However, the reality is very different. Consuming diet sodas will not prevent you from gaining weight and has other consequences.

The components with which they are made are extremely harmful for daily consumption and can cause d headaches, m general alarm and c craving excessive, among other things.

1. Diet soda damages your neurons

Aspartame is a highly addictive carcinogenic neurotoxin . It decomposes as aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol.

Methanol is also known as wood alcohol and when heated it turns into the toxic residue known as formaldehyde.

Surely with this you begin to imagine the risks of drinking diet soda.

On the other hand, aspartic acid and phenylalanine destroy neurons in the brain. Aspartame directly damages neurons until they die.

2. These drinks acidify your bodyTake care of the bones and prevent osteoporosis

Recent research was conducted that found a link between diet soda consumption and heart disease.

  • This study spanned over 10 years and included 2,564 adults.
  • The researchers found that Regular consumption of soft drinks is associated with many risk factors for developing heart disease.
  • Even after controlling for these risks, drinking diet soda was associated with a higher chance of stroke and heart attack.

5. Headaches will become a constantSevere migraine

Sucralose is a modified sugar molecule and is supposed to pass through the body without being absorbed, which is why it is used to sweeten diet sodas .

However, as it is a relatively new component , all its long-term effects are unknown.

By now, it has been seen that people who consume too many foods with sucralose have:

  • Migraines
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Increased craving for sugar

Additionally, Aspartame was reported by Dr. Alan Gaby as a potential cause of epileptic seizures.

6. Diet soda can be the cause of metabolic syndrome

It is ironic that a drink that claims to serve a healthy life is associated with the risk of incident metabolic syndrome. This is because diet sodas do not add any kind of nutrient to your body.

Because they are made up of only chemicals and sweeteners, your body doesn’t really get anything to nourish it from diet sodas .

According to the American Cancer Society, the aspartame that sweetens diet sodas has 200 times more sweeteners than sugar.

Simply put, diet sodas are not only not healthier, they are highly harmful.

If you usually consume too many soft drinks and you think that changing them for light versions is the solution, you may prefer to rethink that idea.

Our suggestion is that you opt for smoothies that mix vegetables and fruits.

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