7 Foods That Help You Detoxify The Body

As far as possible, make sure that the fruits and vegetables you eat are of organic origin. So we can consume them whole and take advantage of the fiber that the skin contains to cleanse

Our body accumulates toxins that some organs, such as the liver, kidneys or intestines eliminate. However, to  detoxify the body  sometimes additional  help is appropriate.

Joy Dubois of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics maintains that the body detoxifies itself. However, some foods have properties that stimulate this function.

For this reason, it is essential to facilitate the purifying work of our body with some foods that have detoxifying properties.

Garlic, lemon, celery, onion or artichoke are just some of the foods that improve the purifying function of our body.

It is also essential to know the factors that intoxicate us to avoid them as much as possible.

Sources of toxins

Today’s lifestyles contribute to our body becoming overloaded with toxins. These are some of the main sources:

  • Inadequate diet: Foods that we do not digest well, foods rich in unhealthy fats or excess animal protein.
  • Food additives : Preservatives, colorants, flavorings, etc.
  • Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and all kinds of toxic habits.
  • Conventional body products  (soaps, creams, toothpastes, etc.), which come into daily contact with our skin.
  • Environmental pollution  (pesticides, gases, etc.), especially in cities and near conventional cultivation areas.
  • Medications.
  • Stress and negative emotions.

The body has the ability to detoxify the body, but these foods will help stimulate its purifying function.



Citrus fruits are very cleansing, especially lemon and grapefruit.

Lemon acts directly on the liver, facilitating the digestion of fats, in addition to promoting the elimination of fluids.

Lemon provides vitamin C, antioxidants and potassium and helps to better absorb iron.

To benefit from these properties, we recommend getting organic lemons to be able to consume the whole fruit, including its peel, which is very rich in nutrients. We can grate it and add it to salads, soups, smoothies, etc.

Another good way to consume lemon on a regular basis is to prepare a homemade lemonade every day.

We will drink it throughout the day, outside of meals, to help detoxify the body.


Garlic is a medicinal food that has been used since ancient times to treat many health problems.

Garlic enhances the purifying function of the body, as it improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Recent studies show that garlic stimulates liver cleansing enzymes and fights fatty deposits.

A great way to do a garlic-based scrub is to follow an ancient garlic extract cure used by Tibetan monks to stay healthy.



Onion is excellent for facilitating kidney function, whether we eat it raw or cooked.

It is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, phosphorus, iodine, silicon, and sulfur, among many others, and it also contains vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Dr. Sara Colman, a specialist in diets for kidney support, advises onion for the antioxidant power of the flavinoids it contains.

Onion soup is a simple and traditional dish to detoxify the body  in a pleasant way.


Nettle is a wild plant that we can collect ourselves in areas free from contamination, as long as we wear thick gloves and let it rest for a few hours until it loses its ability to cause hives.

It is very cleansing of the blood and also has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antirheumatic and hypoglycemic properties.


Celery is also a great cleanser for the body. Not only does it improve the functioning of the liver and the gallbladder, but it also benefits the kidneys, which is why it cannot be lacking in our diet.

We can add it to all kinds of soups, creams and stews, but also chop it raw in salads or drink it in natural juice.

Celery juice


The dandelion, another plant that we can also collect from the field, since it is very abundant, contains vitamins A, B and C, folic acid, potassium, silicon, iron and tannins.

It works on both the liver and the kidneys, making it a very complete detoxifier. It is also diuretic, digestive and slightly laxative.

The Department of Herbal Medicine at the Tai Sophia Institute recommends dandelion as a natural diuretic.

We can consume it in stews, soups and salads to help detoxify the body.


The artichoke is one of the most popular vegetables to take care of the liver and improve the digestion of fats.

It has a slight bitter taste, but it is very tender. We can take it boiled, steamed or grilled.

With its leaves we can prepare an infusion that, although it is quite bitter, is ideal to drink before going to bed.

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