7 Things You Will Regret When You Reach Old Age

What you spend your time on is sometimes far from what you like or want. It is worth reflecting on our attention to other, perhaps more valuable issues.

It is possible that you have ever been told something like “live your life, enjoy yourself, because then there may be things that you you will regret it when you reach old age ” and that you have been thinking about them.

Living a routine that does not bring any true joy or satisfaction is not pleasant or does not ‘leave a good taste’ when looking back. Therefore, it is not advisable to tie yourself to it or prolong it to the point that later it generates a deep regret for not having enjoyed and left the comfort zone.

Things you will regret when you reach old age

Here we invite you to consider a series of questions on which it is possible to reflect and take action, before it is too late.

1. Not having the courage to be true to yourself

Woman hugging herself.

This is one of the most frequent concerns. That is, c complying with the obligations that one’s age or society impose sometimes turns out to be something incompatible with what one really wants.

Doing what is supposed to be appropriate at the time serves as a reference, but it does not always represent the true concerns of each person.

Hence the need to find a balance between commitment and passion. Dedicating oneself to what one likes or, failing that, trying to enjoy what we do allows us to look back without regrets.

2. Staying in a job that doesn’t satisfy you instead of taking risks and following your motivations

This question goes hand in hand with mistake number one, but it has more to do with the activity in which you invest a large part of your life.

Given that a job, in general, requires about 40 hours a week, we are talking about something that implies a significant dedication. A condition that is complicated if you use that amount of time on work tasks that you dislike or excite rather little.

But, regardless of what others expect of you, what do you really want? Are you where you want to be? 

3. Not spending time with the family is one of the things you will regret the most when you reach old age.

If family is so valuable, why not spend time with it? Make a call to your parents or brothers , visiting them on a weekend or, if you live too far away, organizing a conference with them are some of the viable options.

There are many ways to stay and stay in touch. If we often wait for the most comfortable moment to come, ‘one of these days’ may be too late.

4. Not expressing your true feelings

If you avoid expressing what you feel, it is likely that on some occasion you will miss this in the future. In fact, when you get older, you cling more to your customs.

Therefore, the sooner you begin to express yourself and tell, for example, your loved ones what they mean to you, the sooner you will develop new and healthier habits.

The worst thing that would happen is that you cry the rest of your days for not having done it on time.

5. Do not keep in touch with old friends

Lack of contact with friends can cause regret later.

Especially when you live or work in a different city or country, this is difficult. Also, if a long period of time has passed, chances are your life has changed quite a bit.

In this sense, it should be noted that both fate and time create distance and separate people.

But there are ways to communicate with and hear from old friends, whether it’s through the phone, social media, or trying to plan a coffee or outing.

If you delay and delay, in the end, you will stop trying. You will surely end up regretting later.

6. Working too much is another of the issues that you will regret when you reach old age

Although dedicating yourself to just resting may not be the best option, perhaps the idea of ​​distributing your schedules contemplating what pleases you and makes you happy is.

In some cases, a simple hug, feeling the sand of the beach under your feet or even practicing your hobbies are healthier alternatives than spending overtime at the office or sitting on the couch watching television.

7. Not traveling or having enough vacations

Maybe there is some way to enjoy more free time. How do you manage holidays? Do you have flexible measures in your company to reconcile professional and personal sphere? Do you try to make those plans that you have so much fun with?

These questions draw attention to the establishment of limits and the benefits that both leisure and vacations have on health and well-being.

Rather than relegating these needs to chance, perhaps stopping a second to think about it is the formula for making wise decisions.

Not traveling is one of the things you will regret when you reach old age.

And you, what will you regret when you reach old age?

With these reflections we wanted to highlight certain aspects that may weigh you down when you are older. Keep them in mind from time to time to review your routine and change whatever is necessary, for your own good.

You don’t have to wait until the last moment to start living. Dare to enjoy each day and live with enthusiasm!

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