7 Tips To Be Beautiful Without Wearing Makeup

Although many times we have believed that to look beautiful it is necessary to show off a perfectly sculpted face with a contouring and others, that is not true. Therefore, in a way it has been liberating that one of the trends in celebrities is to go out without wearing makeup, with what is called “washed face.”

Now that we know that going out without using makeup (or using very little) is more beautifying than falling into excesses, we can enjoy the various tips to make you look beautiful naturally, without making much effort and, above all, saving time.

Highlight your beauty without wearing makeup (or using very little)

Either because you do not want to spend too much time putting on makeup, because you prefer to take care of your skin (leaving it as free as possible to breathe and not fill with imperfections) or because it simply does not cause you to do much, you can always use some very simple tips to be pretty, with little or no makeup.

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Design a good cleaning routine

Giving your skin a proper cleansing routine will make it look young, radiant, and beautiful without too much effort. And how to achieve it? Very easy. Check with your dermatologist about your skin type and ask for recommendations so you can build your own routine. This – believe it or not – will help you avoid products and routines that do not suit you and that rather will make you take several steps back.

  • Washing your face twice a day with a suitable cleanser is essential.
  • So is knowing when to exfoliate to remove the layer of dirt and dead skin cells.
  • Hydration is essential, but not just any cream or lotion will do. You must always use the product that is indicated for each type of skin.
  • It is not advisable to go to sleep with your makeup on, no matter how much you think you have not sweated or that “the eyeliner is still perfect and so on.” Remember that makeup mixes with dirt and can promote the appearance of blemishes (pimples, wrinkles, etc.).

    Exfoliate and tone your face

    In addition to washing your face every day, regular exfoliation is important to remove all blemishes and excess oil. Of course, be very careful not to do it daily (unless the dermatologist tells you to do so) or to rub the skin too hard to avoid injuries.

    Interview with Rocío Gil Redondo, skin care and the latest rejuvenation techniques On the other hand, a toner is one of the products that cannot be missing in your facial care routine. It serves to restore the natural pH of the face, remove excess oil, makeup and dirt, tighten pores and much more. Just remember to consider your skin type before buying one.

    Use natural rehydrating products

    Coconut oil and castor oil are two natural products that can help you take care of your skin… and also your eyebrows and eyelashes! For this reason, take advantage of them regularly (in moderation) to maintain the frame of your spectacular look even without a drop of makeup.

    You can also apply some of these products to your lips to rehydrate them. However, there are many cream balms that are ideal for when you have dryness or even cracks.

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    Use sunscreen daily, even if the day is cloudy

    Although you think that tanning is a way to look good without wearing makeup, the truth is that sun-damaged skin is not pretty at all. Even on winter, cloudy or rainy days a little sun protection is more than necessary. Otherwise, you risk premature aging, skin diseases and, in extreme cases, skin cancer.

    If you have a very fair complexion, use a protector of at least 30 SPF. In any case, choose those creams that also serve as moisturizers : so you won’t have to use two different products.

    Don’t touch your face!

    A more than usual mistake. We touch our faces when we are nervous, bored or when we have some discomfort. This bad habit stimulates the production of fat and favors the accumulation of bacteria. All this leads to unhealthy skin, even makeup.

    Also, do not scratch your face too much, as it causes loss of firmness and causes wrinkles before its time.

    Take care of your eyebrows

    Perfect eyebrows do a lot for the face, as they not only frame the look, but also help you look beautiful regardless of how much you decide to groom yourself.

    You can go to an esthetician or salon to have them waxed, either with wax or tweezers, but be sure to choose a natural shape that is easy for you to keep at home until the next esthetic session.

    In the event that you do not dare to pluck your eyebrows, because you want to preserve their maximum expression of naturalness, then you will only have to comb them and keep them in order with a little eyebrow gel or transparent mascara.

    Sleep and eat well to be pretty even without wearing makeup

    Good sleep helps control appetite

    Not only do you have to perform specific actions on the skin of the face so that it looks good without makeup. It is necessary to adhere to certain healthy habits if we want flawless skin.

    One of them is good rest. When you sleep well it shows. The skin is relaxed, there are no black marks or bags under the eyes, and it remains smooth and healthy. It is advisable to sleep 8 hours in a row every night.

    On the other hand, we advise you to eat correctly to look more beautiful with or without makeup. The two liters of water each day are not enough. You should also eat better and include more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. 

    Even if it is winter, a juice or a fruit or vegetable smoothie for breakfast will make your skin look really young and natural.

    As you can see, looking pretty without wearing makeup (or using very little, nude style ) is possible. Do you already apply any of these tips or do you have others up your sleeve? Be that as it may, remember that the most important thing, in any case, is that you know your skin type well and give it the appropriate care.

    Makeup professionals say that many routines apply to almost all skin types, but still it is always necessary to attend to the particularities to look radiant without having to exert too much effort.

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