8 Activities In The Garden To Spend Time With The Family

You may already know that family time is valuable. It not only brings you closer to loved ones, but it strengthens you as a person on a psychic level.  For this reason, we propose some activities that you can organize in the garden to spend time with your loved ones.

The idea is to enjoy the company in a simple way and allow each member to develop spontaneously and fluently. Why is this so important? Because it guarantees the common welfare, but without neglecting the individual.

8 activities in the garden to spend time with the family

The human being benefits from sunlight, freedom of movement and the spaciousness offered by open spaces. Therefore, if you have an outdoor patio or garden at home, do not hesitate to take advantage of it.

Father and his three children playing with the ball in the garden of their house

Doctors point out that, although it seems a simple matter, activities outside bring vitality and pleasure.

On the other hand, several studies (such as the following one prepared in 2017 by the Central University of Ecuador) have contemplated that people with dementia or anxiety find in these practices a good method to relax and, in this way, contribute to a better rest. For these reasons, we give you some ideas for you to carry out.

1. Arrange, prune, and plant plants in the garden

Although it may seem that this activity only involves effort, it actually  includes some fun and allows you to connect with people in a different way. In addition, an investigation published in the Scientific Bulletin of the Atotonilco De Tula High School collected that gardening work promotes the development of cognitive and physical capacities; improving the interaction with others and the individual’s own emotions. And it is also educational; which favors personal development.

You can organize a gardening session with the family and make this activity a real group dynamic. To do this, try to carry a timer with you to make sure no task takes too long.

A good idea is to make a kind of circuit. Your kids will love it, and by involving them in the process, they will feel valued and motivated to learn more.

  • The little ones can be in charge of pulling the weed after helping them to identify it.
  • You can also delegate tasks such as watering, exploring the terrain or assessing the condition of the plants.
  • Ask the older ones to prune the leaves that are withered, dry or with holes.

At the end, encourage them to share a snack together as a reward. A fruit slush or a cold lemonade are excellent options.

2. A special meal

Outdoor meals are enjoyed in a more special way. In this sense, you yourself are the one who decides what you want and how you want it: a barbecue, a barbecue, a lunch, a picnic , a dessert session … The options are as varied as tastes!

In addition, the best thing about these types of activities in the garden is that you can invite friends and even neighbors with whom you get along the best.

3. A bicycle circuit

If the patio is large, you can take advantage of it to organize games, exercises or bike rides.

As we have already mentioned, a good idea to combine physical exercise with the playful part is to build a circuit. For this you will need some sticks, ribbons, a piece of chalk and little else.

Invite those bike lovers and challenge them to complete the circuit. If not everyone has bikes, don’t worry. You can also do a standard circuit or a relay race. Remember that the important thing is not the competition itself, but rather enjoying family time.

4. Collect natural curiosities

Especially if you have young children, go ahead and start a collection of leaves, feathers or stones.

You can take the time you want to classify the leaves by size, color, shape … Everyone will have a good time and learn from nature.

In addition, to add a little more fun, you can propose challenges such as: “whoever finds a yellow flower will be the winner of a bag of cookies.”

5. Camping, one of the most attractive garden activities

They will have fun with the occurrences of the family members and you will enjoy moments such as singing accompanied by a guitar, telling stories, laughing or cooking marshmallows.

Family of 4 camping in the garden to share an experience together

Camping outside is definitely a good way to let your imagination run wild and promote bonding.

6. Gardening

Starting to cultivate a garden as a family is an activity that favors communication and encourages cooperation in each of the members.

In addition, it is exciting to work towards a goal (in this case, seeing the fruits of a plant).

7. Outdoor cinema

If you want to spend a relaxed and quiet time, an outdoor cinema session will suit you perfectly. As an additional measure, you can improvise a kind of forum to share and get closer to your loved ones with the movies that you like the most.

8. Chase games

Games of this type are ideal for laughing, moving and creating fond memories as a family. Some of the most popular are: hide and seek, cops and robbers, or pilla-pilla.

Children love them and adults help them keep fit and not forget the inner child that they carry inside.

Bonding by doing garden activities together

As you may have already seen, there are different options for doing activities together in the garden. The most important thing is to learn to enjoy the moment together and the little things that make up the beautiful family that you form.

And you? Do you dare to take advantage of the day with those you love the most?

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