How To Set Up A Laundry Room At Home?

Setting up a laundry room at home is the dream of millions of people. For reasons of space or budget, however, most settle for dealing with areas that are not entirely appropriate. The solution may be in creativity, since sometimes you just have to take advantage of what you have in your favor.

If you no longer want to have your laundry tools scattered throughout your home and you want them to be in a separate room, then this is the item you are looking for. We will teach you how to assemble your laundry room step by step and we will give you some extra tips for decorating it.

How to set up a laundry room at home?

The main obstacle when designing a freestanding laundry room is space. Many apartments and even houses lack a large space for it, so tenants have to figure out how to cope with cleaning clothes.

If this is your case, you should not let this be an impediment when creating your own laundry area. You just have to take into account a series of principles and use what you have in your favor to be able to design one successfully.

Choose a suitable place

First things first: find an area where you can install the main tools and accessories. If you have come this far it is because you think you do not have one available, but remember that the goal will be to use every inch you have to your advantage.

What areas can serve you? Check out the following options:

  • A large closet that you do not use.
  • Under the kitchen pantry.
  • On a free wall that you have in a room.
  • Near kitchen station, stacking washer and dryer vertically.
  • Next to a bathroom.

It is common for horizontal distribution to be associated when thinking about setting up a laundry room at home. This, of course, is a serious mistake, since a wall can be used vertically to attach everything that is needed for washing and ironing.

When choosing the perfect place, always keep in mind the criterion of functionality. Is it comfortable, practical and does it not interrupt the way you do things? Then you have a green light.

Washing and ironing space.

Install the washer and dryer

You already have the clear place to set up your own laundry room at home. Now you must start by installing the most used tools: the washing machine and the dryer. Keep in mind that you must have plumbing and electrical stations, so try to place them close to avoid added expenses in remodeling.

As we pointed out in the previous section, the best bet is to stack them vertically. This way you save space and you can use them without any limitation. If you manage to distribute both, taking advantage of 100% of the available space, you will have an extra couple of centimeters.

In case you still don’t have one of these at home, you have the cards in your favor. You can choose models with a weight, size and design that fits the area. Whenever possible, try to buy eco-friendly machines. These benefit you in the consumption of services and are more sustainable.

Includes extra accessories

This point depends on your laundry habits, although we bet to include at least the following:

  • Ironing board:  if possible, install it so that it hangs on the wall. You can do it behind the door or by taking advantage of other storage tricks. There are supports too.
  • Plastic baskets: useful for distinguishing clean clothes from dirty ones, for moving clothes to the closet, for storing towels and much more.
  • Folding clothesline – Folding models save space when not in use. Some can be installed on the ceiling or on the wall.
  • Coat rack : as necessary as the above is a coat rack. There are models of supports for vertical ironing boards that include them in their upper part.

These are the basic elements that you must have. You can complement them with others, such as stools to sit, shelves and shelves for detergents, countertops and small tables to fold clothes. It all depends on your space and how you manage to distribute the elements.

In case you need it, you can also install a sink to scrub some stubborn stains. This, of course, demands a bigger budget, but it can be very useful when setting up a laundry room at home.

Light up the area

To finish, you only have to properly illuminate the area so that you can carry out the wash without problems. It is possible that you can proceed to do it at night due to time constraints, so you must distribute the system thinking about how a bulb or a lamp will benefit you.

If you have shelves or shelves, keep in mind that shadows are generated under them that can obstruct the view. Use LED installations; they are more durable and friendly to the planet. They also allow you to play with the color spectrum to add a decorative touch.

If possible, it is always good to have a small lamp that you can place on the table or in another strategic place. It will serve you when the fixed bulbs are insufficient.

These four steps and their respective recommendations are enough for you to create your laundry room at home. You can do it without the mediation of a third party, without spending a fortune on remodeling and taking advantage of the centimeters for greater functionality.

Tips for setting up a laundry room at home

We can’t let you start creating your laundry room without first suggesting a couple of practical tips. These are oriented both on a functional and decorative plane, so you can get the most out of your new place of reception.

Includes indoor plants

The intention is not to turn your laundry room into a greenhouse, but to provide it with a decorative element that transmits relaxation. Indoor plants are your best alternative; easy to care for and blend very well with humid environments.

You can hang them on the ceiling or in a corner as a decorative element. You can also get a small one to place on the shelves.

Hide your washing machine behind a door

You may not want to expose your washer, dryer, and other accessories to the naked eye. Do not worry. You can always install a system of doors or sliding doors that allow them to be partially or totally hidden. This is very useful, for example, if you had to set up your laundry room in the kitchen.

Of course, it represents a surplus in your budget, although if you opt for some materials you should not spend a fortune to achieve it. The doors can be made of wood or laminated steel in a minimalist style.

Place the washing machine in the laundry room.

Be careful with the materials

You cannot forget that the laundry room is an area where there are constant splashes and a concentration of humidity. This is why you should pay attention to the elements that you use to decorate, as well as the accessories that you decide to incorporate.

For example, if your wall is covered with wallpaper, it can deteriorate in the short term. If you use woven baskets they can lose consistency in a couple of months.

Distribute key elements at your fingertips

Detergents and racks should be at head level, stored in a drawer or on a shelf, so that you have quick access to them. Position them so that you don’t have to squat or use a bench to reach them.

This should be applied to any other accessory that you use frequently and thus leave the high or very low areas to those objects that you do not use regularly. You take care of your back and avoid possible accidents.

Other tips that we can add to those exposed are the following:

  • Try to make the best of natural light.
  • If there is a window nearby, install a blind instead of a curtain.
  • Opt for non-slip floors if you think the splashes compromise a family member.
  • Decorate it with a natural and pleasant style, where possible different from the one used in the main room.

A laundry room at home is possible

With the advice we gave you, you already have everything you need to set up a laundry room at home. Remember that, even if you don’t have the space you would like, you should try to work with what you have to make it a cozy and functional place. The latter, after all, is the most important.

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