Learn About The Tomato Diet

The tomato, in addition to providing great health benefits, helps to lose weight in a healthy and natural way. Do you know the famous tomato diet?

This food can be consumed in multiple ways and there are several preparation options, so in the “tomato diet” there is a great variety that avoids monotony.

Benefits of the tomato diet

Along with tomatoes, the diet includes ingredients such as rosemary, mint, lemon, carrot, and soy. In this way, it favors the treatment of arterial hypertension, and prevents hair loss from rosemary.

Peppermint reduces irritation in the intestines, vomiting and abdominal cramps. For its part, lemon, by having vitamin C, strengthens the body’s defenses, which prevents numerous diseases such as flu, tonsillitis, hoarseness, congestion, asthma, among others.

Soy contains most of the amino acids necessary for the body, contributing to the prevention of breast cancer and helps control diabetes.

The tomato contains vitamins and minerals, allows to obtain antioxidants and prevents cardiovascular diseases, reducing cholesterol. It is known to improve vision and reduce hypertension among other benefits.

The tomato diet

The result of the diet can be to lose 2 kilos in 3 days, taking into account that two liters of liquid must be ingested a day.

It is recommended that it be natural water, without any coloring, artificial flavor or sugar or mixed with any fruit.

  • Before having breakfast, you should take fresh tomato juice, adding a mint leaf to flavor.
  • For breakfast, eat two tomatoes boiled and garnished with rosemary
  • The first snack or appetizer consists of a mint smoothie with 6 leaves of the plant, 1 carrot, half a lemon with a peel, half a tomato and two glasses of mineral water.
  • The meal or lunch consists of a salad of tomato, bean sprouts and bell pepper (bonnet pepper). Lemon and olive oil can be added to taste as a garnish to food.
  • The second snack or appetizer is a mint smoothie with 6 leaves of the plant, 1 carrot. Half a lemon with peel, half a tomato and two glasses of mineral water.
  • Tomato juice with mint is taken for a snack.
  • Finally, for dinner you eat tomato, soy and pepper salad.


For the diet to be effective and to prevent any contradictions, it is essential that the tomatoes used are ripe.

It is important to note that this diet should not be carried out for more than three days. This is because it loses effectiveness over time and the body can become decompensated.

On the other hand, it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting it, as well as before starting any kind of diet.

The tomato diet is healthy. However, it is not recommended for people who have problems with uric acid or diverticulitis. It is also not advisable for those who suffer from constipation.

Contributions of the tomato diet


1. Healthier skin and body

Tomato provides protection to the skin against UV rays, in addition to being used in various anti-aging products. Likewise, it helps to preserve teeth, bones and hair.

2. Prevention of gallstones

Eating tomato in the diet provides a better dissolution of gallstones.

3. Keeps the intestine healthy

On the other hand, the tomato helps the digestive system to remain stable, preventing diarrhea or constipation. Also, it expels toxins from the body and prevents jaundice.

4. An excellent factor against hypertension

The tomato includes the benefit of reducing tension, in addition to avoiding the possibility of suffering from hypertension. Because of this, it is an excellent reliever and remedy for nervous breakdowns.

5. Vitamins and minerals

A tomato unit contains 40% of vitamin C that is required per day. Vitamin C helps in the treatment of cancer.

It also contains vitamins A, B2, B2, and K (which helps with blood clotting), as well as various minerals such as potassium (which helps with blood well-being and nerve health), zinc, calcium, and iron. , phosphorus and sodium.

6. For diabetes

Decreases oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes.

7. Heart protection and cholesterol reduction

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a substance that prevents heart disease. In addition, its consumption reduces triglycerides in the blood and LDL cholesterol, preventing the accumulation of fats in the blood vessels.

8. Against urinary infections

Reduces bladder cancer and urinary infections.

9. Improves vision

Finally, as tomato contains vitamin A, vision improves and the possibility of macular degeneration and night blindness is reduced.

The “tomato diet” is perfect for losing weight naturally. Of course, check with your doctor before starting it.

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