When Talking To Your Partner Is Like Talking To The Wall

When talking to your partner it is important that we know how to listen, empathize and put ourselves in the shoes of the other in order to reach a satisfactory agreement .

Communication in relationships is very important. However, sometimes talking to your partner is like talking to the wall. There is a wall that prevents fluid communication, where both parties can express their opinions to find a meeting point in the face of differences. If we love our partner so much, why do we build this barrier?

Also read 5 ways to make your conversations successful.

Blame it on the other

to blame

As in other types of relationships, such as friendship, we tend to hold others responsible for things that only we are responsible for. We do not want to admit that we are partly or wholly to blame. This happens because we consider that our point of view is the only correct and valid one.

Finally, we end up arguing without reaching any consensus, since the tendency is to shout “it’s your fault.”

In this way, the discussion becomes useless, with words out of tune, which can even damage the relationship. For all this, we have to start being more empathetic and not believing ourselves so perfect. We must look at ourselves and ask ourselves what have I done that is not right? What could improve?

The other is not the only one who has to improve, change and adapt to what we want. We also have to accept the other as they are, and modify that perception that we are always right and that it is the other’s fault.

No one has to bear any blame. The two members that make up a relationship must give their points of view, different, but to reach a common point.

Also read Avoid damaging your relationship with your partner

See beyond the wall

Couple wall

Due to guilt, talking to your partner is like talking to a wall because the other does not want to see beyond their wall, and neither do we.

However, here we leave you some keys so that that wall can be torn down and allow fluid communication even with different points of view.

  • Your partner may see reality in a different way than you, but that does not mean that it is not valid. Accepting this will allow you to put yourself in their shoes, give your own opinion, and come to a fair agreement.
  • Empathy is a very important skill that few people enhance. Putting yourself in the shoes of your partner will allow you not to deny yourself outright and impose your own vision of things. In addition, it will help you to treat the subjects with more tact.
  • Don’t reject something just because you don’t like it. There are people whose first answer is usually “no”. You have to be more open, as there are always possibilities.

The importance of listening when talking to your partner


Talking with the partner can be speaking against a wall because our partner does not listen to us or because we ourselves do not listen to it in due course.

Active listening is part of healthy communication and it is worth paying due attention to it. Many people do not listen, but later claim to be heard. However, first you have to take care of yourself.

Things are not always as we see them. There is much beyond that wall that we have created, behind which we protect ourselves and damage our relationships. Let’s be more flexible, more understanding. Let’s not impose our truth. Only in this way, we can avoid that talking to the couple is like talking to a wall.

Listening to the other, not imposing our own reality and arguing with meaning will allow you to reach a satisfactory meeting point for both of you.

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