Adjuvant Treatment For Stomach Ulcers

To prevent the appearance of stomach ulcers it is recommended to improve eating habits, reduce the intake of coffee, tea, alcohol or tobacco, avoid the consumption of aspirin and ibuprofen and reduce stress levels.

Ulcers in the stomach, also called “gastric ulcers” are lesions in the mucosa that covers this organ. Although they affect people over 50 years of age, more in men than in women, more and more patients are seeking treatment for this problem. Learn about some home and natural remedies that could help you relieve ulcers.

Stomach Ulcers: What Should We Know?

In some cases, ulcers do not have their own symptoms, but they develop as discomfort in the digestive system when you eat or drink in quantity, for example.

Heartburn, poor digestion, pain after eating, weight loss without dieting, vomiting are part of the symptoms most frequently related to ulcers, according to data from the US National Library of Medicine. In more cases severe, with bleeding.

The causes of ulcers can be varied:

  • Infection derived from a bacterium : It is called Helicobacter Pylori and it reaches the stomach through food.
  • Incorrect diet : that is, if you eat a lot of fats, sauces, spicy foods or eat excessively.


  • High gastric acidity: in patients who frequently have heartburn, it is easier for ulcers to develop.
  • Daily alcohol or tobacco use
  • Intake of some drugs : especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are found in painkillers (Aspirin), also ibuprofen and cortisone.
  • Stress
  • Due to hereditary factors: those with a family history are more likely to suffer from ulcers
  • Cancer

If you suspect that you have stomach ulcers, it is vital to visit a specialist to perform various techniques that allow a correct diagnosis. However, to prevent the appearance of this problem, doctors advise:

  • Improve eating habits
  • Reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol or tobacco, as they would prevent proper wound healing
  • Avoid the consumption of those drugs that can cause them (do not become “addicted” to aspirin or ibuprofen)
  • Reduce stress levels by taking less-spaced vacations or breaks.

Recommended and prohibited foods for ulcers

Various studies, such as one published in 2014, indicate that modifying eating habits would be essential to alleviate the symptoms of peptic ulcers.

If you have stomach ulcers or if you are likely to suffer from them, then take into account what are the recommended foods, which WebMD indicates in an article about it:

  • Yogurt, due to its contribution of probiotics that help fight bacteria.
  • Low-fat, grilled meat, fish and eggs
  • Cereals, legumes and pasta, mixed with vegetables
  • Vegetables and greens, best pureed
  • Very ripe, non-acidic, fresh, roasted, pureed or compote fruits


  • Drinks such as water, diluted broths, and mild infusions
  • Olive, sunflower, corn or soy oil, vegetable margarine

On the contrary, the limited or prohibited foods are:

  • Strong, fermented and very ripe cheeses
  • High-fat meat such as rabbit, pickled fish, fried or hard-boiled egg
  • Freshly baked fresh bread, chocolate-filled cookies, sweetened, whole grains
  • Legumes cooked with bacon
  • Flatulent vegetables like cabbage, cabbage, or cauliflower, not onions, raw bell peppers, or artichokes.


  • Acidic fruits, in syrup, candied, raw and unripe.
  • Coffee, tea, guarana, chocolate, carbonated or alcoholic beverages
  • Butter, cream, tallow and bacon
  • Soups in cubes, honey, pastries and cakes, concentrated broths, fried foods, chocolate, hot sauces, nuts, ice cream.

Natural remedies for stomach ulcers

In addition to taking into account the two previous lists, natural medicine usually recommends some shakes, noting that they would alleviate the symptoms of ulcers. Before consuming them, consult your trusted doctor to make sure that their components will not irritate your body.

Remember that home remedies often do not have scientific studies to back them up. In addition, natural ingredients can cause allergies and even worsen particular conditions. For this reason, consultation with the specialist is recommended.

  • Drink fresh celery juice daily, including the stem and leaves, two to five glasses. Some research indicates that the antioxidant properties of celery may alleviate symptoms of different diseases, although the final data is inconclusive and does not specifically mention ulcers.

    remedy against stomach ulcers

    • Consume green bananas every day, whether baked or boiled, because they are believed to help coat the stomach with a protective layer of gastric juices.
    • In addition, consume wheat bran that would amortize the damage of the stomach juices.
    • Peel and cut two carrots, blend with a white cabbage leaf and a glass of water. Strain and sip between meals. Although we have not found scientific evidence to support this home remedy, it is true that there is a study published in the Journal of Gastric Cancer that indicates that the consumption of carrots would reduce the risk of gastric cancer.
    • Peel and cut a potato. Cut and extract the seeds from three tomatoes. Wash a cabbage leaf. Put everything together in a blender and add a glass of water. Strain and consume twice a day.
    • Mix half an eggplant with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of seaweed (available in dietetics). Blend and consume half a glass of water.
    • Finally, boil a cup of water with a tablespoon of lemon balm (for its relaxing properties for the stomach) and another of chamomile (due to its calming effects on stomach spasms), for 5 minutes. Let stand, strain and serve. Drink in the evenings after dinner.

    If you suffer or think you have a peptic ulcer, visit your doctor for a diagnosis and subsequent treatment adapted to your general condition and needs. If you want to support medical treatment with home remedies, consult a specialist about it before starting the intake of any of those mentioned in this article.

    Images courtesy of Vinod Velayudhan, Bob Walker, Victor, net_efekt, Tamara Smith.

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