Baking Soda Remedies: Are They Convenient?

Baking soda remedies have long enjoyed great popularity. They are made quickly at home and, in general, do not usually require more than the mixture of this substance with a little water (although sometimes lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and garlic paste have been included). Clearly, these types of facilities are very tempting for people who want an immediate solution.

However, no matter how many facilities the remedies offer, they are not the best option when dealing with a health problem. 

Baking soda is a chemical that, although it may seem harmless on the surface, can actually put you at risk in a number of ways, due to its composition. Let’s review it below.

What is baking soda?

In the dictionary of the Spanish language, we find the following definition: “acid salt of carbonic acid”.

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a chemical substance (a salt, to be more specific) whose main characteristics are: it has a white color, a light texture and an alkaline taste, in addition, it dissolves easily in water. It is abrasive and deodorizing.

Baking soda next to a lemon wedge.

Better to leave it alone for cleaning

Baking soda remedies are proposed as a solution for a variety of problems, from health issues to beauty issues. The most popular are those that are intended to: whiten teeth, lighten the armpits and cure throat infections. On the other hand, its consumption has been proposed to obtain greater energy and improve physical performance (in athletes and sportsmen).

However, if we do a little memory, we realize that it is also used to unclog pipes and remove grease stains, and that the formula is practically the same: dilute a few tablespoons of baking soda in water and that’s it.

Shouldn’t these last uses alert us that it is not advisable to drink something that is capable of unclogging a pipe, for example?

In addition, the fact that the remedy is practically the same for every question, should also send us an alarm signal. A glass of soda water to clean your teeth, but also to whiten the toilet? 

If a substance is aggressive enough to unclog a pipe or remove stains, obviously its consumption is not convenient. Not even in “small quantities” or on a specific basis.

The most common side effects of sodium bicarbonate consumption are: cramps, stomach pain, vomiting, flatulence, feeling thirsty, headaches and loss of appetite. However, it can cause bigger problems. In addition, in case of being under pharmacological treatment, its consumption could cause interactions. 

Uses NOT recommended

  1. Deodorant.
  2. Weight loss drink.
  3. Hair wash product.
  4. Burn ointment.
  5. Remedy to prevent diseases.
  6. Drink to relieve stomach discomfort.
  7. Solution to treat throat infections.
  8. Nasal drops to relieve congestion.
  9. Ointment to lighten the armpits or other areas of the skin.
  10. Daily use toothpaste or teeth whitening treatment.


With baking soda you can unclog pipes, clean silver, remove grease stains, make minivolcanoes (in school science experiments), whiten tiles, clean ceramic floors, remove bad odors from sponges and rags, etc. , but it is definitely not recommended to use it for issues that have to do with personal hygiene or health. 

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