Benefits Of Dance Therapy

The practice of dance therapy has multiple benefits and can be carried out at any age. It helps optimize cardiovascular health and people’s mental state.

Dance since it was created has been the most effective way to distract ourselves and release energy, while exercising the body. In addition, it is one of the most festive therapies that exist. Dance is classified as a type of expression of body language.

It also helps decongest the soul of sadness, in such a way that it can help a person with depression or anxiety. Next, the benefits of dance therapy will be announced. Join us!

Dance therapy

Dance therapy is the use of dance for therapeutic purposes. From the creative expression of the body, the establishment of thoughts is encouraged, while blood circulation is promoted. Thus, the benefits it brings to health encompass both physical and emotional.

A study carried out at the University of Costa Rica cited that dance therapy is the rehabilitation and adaptation of physical and psychological problems, since it focuses on the hypothesis that the body manifests the psychological states of people.

In addition to this, dance is the characteristic rhythmic movement of each participant, not a simple routine imposed by a coach.

Also, it incorporates different disciplines related to corporal expression, such as theater, psychomotor skills, staging, choreographic composition and the most outstanding of all which is music therapy.

Bases and objectives of dance therapy

In the first place, the bases of dance therapy are the following:

  • Dance.
  • Simulation.
  • Creativity and improvisation.
  • Initiative.

Then, among the objectives are the following:

  • The main idea is the conscious promotion of mental and corporal well-being, what makes it such a successful therapy is that each movement is adapted to the rhythm, possibilities and capacities of each individual.
  • In the case of patients with problems, this helps to develop various levels of coordination at the psychomotor level. With this body diagrams are achieved and the gradual discovery of rhythm is achieved.
  • The purpose of dance therapy in the little ones is to stimulate creativity and intelligence. It teaches them to be aware of the body, personal space and the limits of capacity.
  • When done in groups of adults, general goals are achieved. However, individual goals are also noted, such as personal growth and emotional optimization.
  • In the elderly, it can help to charge them with energy, which connects them with positivism and the will to live.
  •  Also, it activates memory and memories. It also stimulates coordination and prevents falls.

Benefits of dance therapy

Axes and benefits of dance therapy

Among the benefits of dance therapy are:

Physical benefits:

  • Improve posture.
  • The capacity of the rib cage is increased, so the breathing is deeper.
  • Optimize flexibility and exercise joints.
  • It considerably develops psychomotor skills in children.
  • It increases the cardiac volume, in such a way that it makes positive changes in the health of the heart, as exposed by a study carried out at the Rafael Landívar University.

Psychological, sensory and emotional benefits:

  • Promotes alertness.
  • It accentuates reflexes, which increases the speed of physical and mental response.
  • It is an effective way to combat stress, balance mind and peaceful state.
  • It encourages harmony and the search for solutions to conflictive situations.
  • The memory of the perception of movements is enhanced.

To conclude, through rhythmic movement accompanied by pleasant auditory stimuli such as music, the brain performs various synaptic pathways. In this way, it describes new routes, which triggers the development of new ideas and possibilities in solving difficulties. Thus, a clear sensory enrichment is evident.

In addition to this, dance favors freedom of expression and the display of feelings and ideas. Also, positive emotional changes are experienced, as well as abandonment to social phobia and feelings of isolation. Likewise, it unlocks family ties and strengthens the bonds of friendship, while increasing self-esteem and personal security.

Now, since the benefits of dance therapy are known, it is concluded that this is the best option to find the balance between an active and peaceful life.

Why not give it a try?

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