Benefits Of Taking A Tablespoon Of Cinnamon And Honey Every Day: Myth Or Reality?

A tablespoon of cinnamon and honey combines two nutritious foods, with many properties for health and, in addition, with a delicious flavor. By mixing them, we enhance their benefits and make it easier to consume them daily.

There are many properties that this mixture will give us. A tablespoon of cinnamon and honey can help you lose weight, boost your defenses, improve digestion, take care of your joints, prevent cardiovascular diseases, treat insomnia and exhaustion, or increase libido.

Why take a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey

Tablespoon of honey and cinnamon

The mixture of cinnamon and honey, consumed daily as we will explain below, provides us with the following health benefits :

Lose weight

Although there are no scientific studies on the matter, it is said that this mixture helps us to activate the metabolism and reduce the craving for consuming sugars.

Cinnamon is a regulator of blood glucose levels, as shown in this study, and it also helps us eliminate excess fluids and fats in our body. We will take it mixed with hot water between meals.

Raise defenses

This combination is highly calorific and is also said to work as a natural antibiotic. That is, it helps us expel the cold from the body and prevent diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

It is believed that due to its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey can help fight and alleviate throat conditions: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, aphonia, dysphonia, etc. We will mix a tablespoon with warm water and sip it and gargle.

However, there is no scientific research to support this information, so we strongly recommend going to a healthcare professional before making any change in our lifestyle so that they can provide us with adequate treatment.

Improve joint health

Thanks to its calorific and antioxidant properties, this mixture is ideal for diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, etc., since cinnamon has great medicinal properties, as shown in this study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Take care of the heart

The mixture of honey and cinnamon they say can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as it improves circulation, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the heart and regulates its rhythm. However, there are no scientific studies that show that this is true, therefore, from here we recommend in the first instance to  go to a specialist doctor to provide us with an adequate diagnosis and treatment.

Other benefits


Taking a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey daily can provide other benefits. These are some of them :

  • Increase  libido : cinnamon is considered one of the best natural aphrodisiacs, both in men and women. We will take a tablespoon in the morning and a tablespoon before going to bed.
  • Improve digestion and combat acidity: in this case we will take a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of the mixture, preferably before lunch, although it can also be taken afterwards as an infusion. Cinnamon is one of the foods that helps fight or protect against Helicobacter pylori,  as this study published in Monographs of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy points out .
  • Obtain energy and avoid exhaustion: its calorific and invigorating properties help us to revitalize our body. We will take the tablespoon preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Rejuvenate the body: both internally and externally. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it can help reduce tissue damage caused by the passage of time. It is a good beauty remedy and can help prevent chronic diseases, although there are no scientific studies on this.

    What do we need to make the mix?

    We only need cinnamon and honey, but these must be of the highest quality. The honey would have to be organic, which guarantees that it has been processed naturally without adding any substance.

    In addition, it can preferably be raw honey, which is the one that has not been cooked at high temperatures so that it always appears liquid. That is to say, with the cold it should harden. Once we have it, we can heat it in a water bath to melt it without losing its properties.

    On the other hand, the cinnamon will also be organic and, if possible, from Ceylon. The aroma will allow us to find out its quality.

    How do we prepare it?

    We will mix the liquid honey and cinnamon until it is quite thick. We will keep the preparation in a hermetically closed glass jar. We can keep it out of the fridge if it is a cool place and it is not too hot.

    This preparation keeps well for a long time without the need for any preservative, thanks to the properties of cinnamon and honey.

    Tablespoon of cinnamon and honey

    How do we take it?

    As a standard dose, we will take one tablespoon of this preparation daily. For young children the standard dose will be one tablespoon for dessert.

    We can mix it with a little hot water and it will have the flavor of a sweetened infusion, or with cold water, and in this way it will be a refreshing and healthy drink. We  can also combine that spoonful of cinnamon and honey with juice, milk, yogurt, or but always without cooking it.

    We recommend always consulting with your doctor or naturopath before carrying out any treatment, since natural products also have contraindications with some medications and their excessive consumption can cause unwanted side effects.

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