Ceramic Brackets: What Do I Need To Know?

The brackets ceramic are an aesthetic choice for those people who are told orthodontic treatment and are concerned about the appearance. These are typical braces, with the same indications and results, but very similar in color to dental elements. Thus, they go unnoticed.

A bracket is each of the pieces that adhere to the surfaces of the tooth and hold the metal arch in an orthodontic treatment. Being ceramic and complemented with white wires, they are less visible than the classic silver braces with gray wires.

Without a doubt, they are an acceptable solution for those people who are concerned about how their smile will look while using the braces. In this article we will tell you about their characteristics, their advantages and disadvantages and the necessary care to maintain them.

What are ceramic braces?

The brackets ceramic dental appliances are made of special materials similar to porcelain. Having a color similar to teeth, they become almost imperceptible. Therefore, they provide better aesthetics compared to classic metal orthodontics.

In addition, they are used with white bows and ligatures, which makes them even more discreet. The results obtained with this type of appliance are the same as with any other type of orthodontics. Thus, they are ideal for correcting any bite problem and misaligned teeth, such as:

  • Open bite problems.
  • Crowded teeth.
  • Spaces between teeth.
  • Overbite
  • Cross bite
What are ceramic braces?

What are their characteristics?

The brackets ceramic work the same way as made of other material. But, as we already mentioned, they have the advantage that they are of a similar color to the tooth, which makes them more discreet compared to the metallic ones.

Among the aesthetic braces options there are those made of ceramic and also those of sapphire, but the latter give a better appearance in the mouth. Those made of ceramics tend to lose their white color over time, as they stain. In addition, sometimes its tone is not exact with that of the teeth.

In any case, its resistance and semi-transparent appearance are aspects that are worth highlighting. Also its cost, as it is much lower compared to sapphire. They are not recommended for people who smoke or consume coffee regularly, as they will lose their color sooner.

It goes without saying that both metal, ceramic or sapphire brackets give very good therapeutic results. The choice of one or the other option will depend on the indications of the orthodontist and the needs and financial possibilities of the patient.

Advantages of using ceramic brackets

As we already mentioned, the aesthetic factor is one of the greatest advantages of ceramic brackets . Anyway, there are many more when using this material. We will detail it below.

Aesthetics and discretion

They are more subtle than metal braces . The material has a coloration similar to the tooth, so they blend in. It has a matte hue, which avoids the glare and reflections typical of metallic appliances.

In addition, they have a certain translucency that allows light to pass through the material. This allows the tooth enamel underneath to be seen, which creates more discretion with the orthodontic system.


Orthodontic treatment is as effective as metal braces and can be used to correct any malocclusion problem. The dental alignment that is sought is faster than with invisible orthodontics that uses transparent aligners ( invisalign ).


Ceramic bracket treatments , while more expensive than metal brackets , are the cheapest option of cosmetic appliances. Its price is lower than that of sapphire braces or invisible aligners.

If cost is an issue for the patient, this system can be combined with the metallic one. The ceramic ones are placed only in the visible part of the mouth (aesthetic front) and the posterior sector is completed with the conventional system.

Comfort and safety for the patient

Ceramic bracket surfaces do not have sharp ends or protruding tips. This prevents the patient from suffering from injuries to the mouth such as sores, ulcerations, punctures or injuries to the mucosa.

The material with which they are made is very resistant and allows them to adhere firmly to the dental element, so they are rarely detached. Even so, when the treatment is finished and they are removed, the process is easy and does not cause as much damage to the underlying enamel.

They are compatible with the tissues of the mouth. Therefore, they are ideal for people allergic to metals. Also, they do not interfere with the signals from imaging tests, such as X-rays.

Disadvantages of ceramic brackets

Although this system is a good option to wear orthodontics without being noticed, it has some negative aspects:

  • Material pigmentation: the ceramic of the brackets can stain over time. The use of tobacco, wine, coffee or other infusions with pigments such as tea and mate make the material change color.
  • Durability and resistance: this material is less resistant and durable than metal, as it can break or fracture. This could increase the final duration of the treatment due to having to change or repair them.
  • Discomfort in the gums: can cause tenderness or swelling of the gums. Because its size is larger than that of metal brackets , which makes hygiene difficult and favors the accumulation of bacterial plaque. The gums can look red and bleed easily. They can also be retracted.
Disadvantages of ceramic brackets

Proper care for ceramic brackets

For ceramic brackets to last longer and in good condition, there are certain attitudes that must be considered to preserve them.

Oral hygiene

Brushing and flossing after every meal is essential to avoid the accumulation of food debris and bacteria. If this is not done, it is not only uncomfortable for the patient, but also favors the appearance of cavities, gingivitis or periodontitis.

  • The use of interdental brushes and oral irrigators can complement cleaning in these types of patients.


When using orthodontics it is important to take care of your diet and the way you eat. Very abrupt or lever biting movements should be avoided, for example, to eat an apple.

It is advisable not to eat foods that contain many pigments and can stain the ceramic. Wine, coffee, tea, mate, tomatoes, soft drinks, artificial juices, ketchup and other foods with colorants can stain the surfaces of these appliances.

You should also pay attention to very hard foods that can detach braces, such as nuts, snacks , chocolates and nougats.

No Smoking

The damage to health that this habit has is known. The use of cigarettes during this type of orthodontics stains the tooth and appliance surfaces yellow.

Regular visits with the orthodontist

Regular visits with the orthodontist are critical to the success of treatment. The professional checks the good condition of the braces, replaces damaged or stained brackets , changes arches and ligatures and makes the necessary adjustments to correct the bite. Failure to keep scheduled appointments delays the entire process.

Avoid teeth whitening

While you are undergoing orthodontic ceramic treatment, it is not a good time to perform teeth whitening or use whitening pastes. This is because the surface of the tooth that is not covered by the bracket would become whiter than the area that is covered by orthodontics.

A discreet and affordable solution with ceramic brackets

The need for a person to correct their bite and align their teeth can be done aesthetically, without having to wear metal braces that are noticeable from a distance. The brackets ceramic are an aesthetic and affordable solution to solve occlusion problems discreetly.

There are certain special cares that must be considered so that this system lasts over time and the treatment is successful. By complying with these simple attitudes, it is possible to achieve a smile aligned with orthodontics that does not affect the appearance of the person.

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