Discover The Ideal Diet For You According To The Shape Of Your Body

The shape of your body can say much more about us than we think.

Likewise, you can also talk about our needs or, at least, about the type of diet that would be most suitable for our body.

A study by Dr. David Ludwing, director of the Obesity Program at Children’s Hospital Boston, found that certain diets work better for one body type than others.

Take note and discover what is the ideal diet for you according to the shape of your body.

Apple shape

This shape is characterized by having more belly than chest and the body has a shape similar to that of an apple. It has a tendency to accumulate fat in the waist area.

Thus, the best we can do if we have this form is to eat small but fairly continuous portions. It is better to eat six times every so often than three a day.

The foods that will suit you best

Try to increase your intake of:

  • Fiber rich products
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Vitamin C
  • Skimmed dairy

In the event that you consume yogurts, it is best that you opt for those that help you regulate digestion.

Foods to avoid

Dispense with all those foods that could end up causing bloating and gas, such as:

  • Fast food
  • Bread
  • Vegetables

Rectangular shaped body

If your body has a rectangular shape, that is, you have narrow hips and a low waist, you already know that you have less tendency to gain weight  than other people.

Even so, there are a series of recommendations that you should follow in your diet.

The foods that will suit you best

Increase the consumption of those ingredients rich in proteins of vegetable origin. Likewise, you should include healthy fats in your diet such as those that provide you with:

  • Avocado
  • The almonds
  • The salmon

Foods to avoid

Even if you do not have excess weight problems, in any case you should not abuse sweets or saturated fats.

Pear-shaped body

You have a pear-shaped body if you have big hips and thighs.

In this case, you are a person with a tendency to accumulate fat in that area and you are likely to have fluid retention problems.

The foods that will suit you best


If you have a pear-shaped body, you will have to have a diet that does not lack:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Dairy products
  • High protein foods

Also remember that there are a number of fruits such as watermelon or pineapple (pineapple) are ideal for purifying the body. Also increase the consumption of green tea.

Hourglass shaped body

Whole grains
If you have a proportionate volume between hips and chest, your silhouette corresponds to that of an hourglass.

Although it is one of the most desired body shapes, when you gain weight you have to be careful because you increase both the top and the bottom and the result is very voluminous.

These people tend to have high blood glucose levels. To prevent this from happening and ensure that they are controlled at all times, it is best to eat five meals a day.

The foods that will suit you best

  • Bet on the integral version of food whenever possible: rice, pasta, bread, cookies, etc.

The foods you should avoid

Try to do without those foods that are made with refined flours, since they will be the ones that digest the worst.

Likewise, we must eliminate those that have a high sodium and salt content, since the latter is the main cause of fluid retention.

Inverted triangle body

The inverted triangle body is characterized by having the shoulders wider than the hips, a not too thin waist and slim arms.

The foods that will suit you best

Try to increase your consumption of foods rich in fiber. Sometimes this type of body occurs in people with intestinal transit problems.

Foods to avoid

Be careful with proteins of animal origin. It is better to replace them with those of plant origin.

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