Do Lipomas Hurt?

It is important to know how to detect a lipoma to avoid mistaking it for a tumor, be it benign or malignant, and to panic.

Lipomas are much more frequent lumps of fat than we usually think. Generally, they are benign and pose no major problem, except on an aesthetic level. However, many people believe that lipomas hurt and, for this very reason, they tend to worry.

Next, we’re going to dig a little deeper into lipomas to allay some concerns and help clarify when it’s time to see a doctor.

What makes you think that lipomas hurt?

Lipomas stand out so much and are so noticeable because they are located just under the most superficial layer of the skin. They are usually soft to the touch and can reach a size of 5 centimeters. However, they can grow somewhat more.

Sometimes they are quite large and, most of the time, they  do not usually present major discomfort  or complications. Besides, if they tend to move when we touch them, this confirms that it is something benign.

Lipomas are just that: lumps of fat that gradually grow until they stop growing. For this reason, we should not succumb to panic when we find one in some part of the body, such as the abdomen or one of the extremities.

Generally, they do not cause significant pain or discomfort, although if we press hard or are constantly touching the lipomas then they can start to hurt due to the pressure exerted.

It is important to know that, although lipomas are not a symptom of something serious or indicate the presence of a tumor, it is best that you go to the doctor to check them if they worry you. Avoid manipulating them and taking measures on your own without the authorization of a professional, as you could hurt yourself.

Lipomas hurt sometimes

Man with lipoma arm

So far we have seen that lipomas do not usually hurt and that they are just lumps of fat. However, what happens when lipomas hurt? In which cases does this happen?

When they press on nearby nerves

This happens when lipomas grow very large. For example, imagine that we have a lipoma in the intestine and it grows in such a way that it begins to block its movements. In this particular case, lipomas hurt, or rather, they cause pain.

When they have many blood vessels

Blood vessels

There are certain types of lipomas that have blood vessels. For example, those known as angiomyolipoma that usually appear in the lower extremities and the trunk.

The more blood vessels this type of lipoma contains, the greater the pain and discomfort. The pain usually comes on and off.

When suffering from painful adiposis

Painful adiposis is also known as Dercum’s disease . Although it is not very common, people who suffer from it have several painful lipomas.

The main areas in which they appear are the arms, trunk and thighs. Although the causes of this condition are unknown, it is often associated with obesity.

Treatment of lipomas


As we have seen, lipomas hurt sometimes. However, whether they hurt or not, these fat lumps have two common treatments for all: removal or liposuction.

Sometimes they go away on their own. However, if they do not go away, if they are annoying or if they fit into the situations that we will discover below, the best solution is to eliminate them:

  • The lipoma causes some kind of problem : it prevents bowel movements if it is located in them or it causes breathing problems because it originated in the throat.
  • It grows too large : a lipoma that grows more than 5 centimeters and continues to progress, it would be advisable to remove it. The reason is that it can limit movement, make it uncomfortable, be annoying, or hurt.
  • Causes bleeding : Due to its location in the intestines, for example, it can lead to bleeding or blood in the stool. This can cause bigger problems.

In all of these cases, removal or liposuction is recommended. However, the lipoma can appear again. Therefore, it is important to have medical check-ups so that we can control these fat lumps.

A lipoma does not usually cause major complications and if they are small you can live with them. However, if they hurt, annoy, and cause other types of problems, the best solution is to remove them completely.

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