Find Out How To Whiten Your Pillow And Mattress Easily

All household items need some maintenance or, at least, the vast majority, and the pillow was not going to be less. Undoubtedly, the mattress and pillow are one of the areas susceptible to stains and dirt, and even to the proliferation of mites and bad smells. Therefore, below we will give you some tips to help you whiten your pillow and mattress.

Why is this happening?

You may have wondered why pillows and mattresses end up yellow. Well, one of the reasons is sweat. Sometimes, when we sleep, the body sweats and, depending on the type of fabric that the pillowcase is made of, it is easier for sweat to end up seeping through the fabric.

In this sense, just when it dries, the sweat can end up leaving a yellow stain on the pillow. Sometimes not even wearing protectors under the pillowcase can prevent this annoying yellowing from occurring, as well as the accumulation of mites. For this reason, it is advisable to do a good cleaning.

Dirty pillow from use.

All this happens because sweat ends up leading to humidity and, therefore, the perfect environment is created for the proliferation of mites that can be the cause of respiratory or skin allergies.

So now you know, doing a pillow cleaning is more important than you think. Check how your pillows are to avoid these possible problems.

Beware of sun exposure

Another reason that can cause the pillow or mattress to turn yellow is too long exposure to sunlight.

The problem lies in the whitening or brightening agents that are used to make them look whiter. Being exposed to the sun a lot, they begin to decompose and make your pillow acquire this tone. So, now you know: avoid overexposure to sunlight.

How to whiten your pillow?

It is advisable to wash the pillows about three times a year. At this frequency, it is more than enough to keep them clean. Of course, before proceeding to carry out the relevant whitening, you will have to make sure that your pillow still does not look largely yellow, or you will no longer be able to achieve the desired results.

Although there is a popular belief that says that using this method you can achieve good results when it comes to pillow cleaning, there are not, at the moment, enough scientific evidence about it, so using it or not is under your control own responsibility.

So, first of all, to whiten your pillow, it is said that you have to prepare a homemade bleach:


  • Water (3 liters).
  • Lemon juice (62 milliliters).
  • Hydrogen peroxide (250 milliliters).


  • All ingredients are mixed and the mixture is reserved for the pillow bleaching process.
  • Next, the complete remedy is made.
    Homemade pillow whitening detergent.

    Ingredients to whiten your pillow

    • Home bleach.
    • Borax (125 grams).
    • Very hot or boiling water.
    • Laundry detergent (200 grams). Better if it is biodegradable.
    • Dishwasher powder detergent (200 grams). It is also  desirable that it is biodegradable.


    1. The first thing to do is check the label to confirm that your pillow is machine washable.
    2. Next, you will have to remove the pillowcase or any pillow protector you may have.
    3. Run a washing machine with hot water (you can even add a couple of pots full of boiling water) and schedule two rinses, if possible.
    4. Add all the items to the washing machine: detergent, bleach, etc.
    5. Next, start the washing program of your machine and let it stir for a few minutes to ensure that all the detergent is dissolved.
    6. Finally, put the pillows in and set a washing program so that the previously made mixture can have the expected whitening effect.

    How to clean the mattress?

    The mattress, as with the pillow, also has to have its respective cover and it has to be washed in the washing machine, just like the sheets. Even so, it will be essential to ventilate it every week and clean it from time to time so that it remains in perfect condition.

    To do this, you can prepare a mixture of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and follow the following steps:

    • To clean the mattress correctly, you will have to vacuum it on both sides, so that you can remove the dust well and then proceed to washing.
    • If it has stains, you can clean them with a mixture of water and baking soda and, later, rub it all with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, all in a mixture very diluted in water.
    • Finally, you just have to let it dry well and air it out, so that there is no moisture or a very strong smell of vinegar.
    • In the event that the scent that has remained does not convince you, you can always perfume it with the element that you like the most : cologne, perfume, an essential oil, etc. However, this will already be a personal matter.

      Use these tips that can help you keep your pillows and mattresses in good condition, and avoid possible problems due to allergies and mites.

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