Great People Are Made Of Unforgettable Steel

There are people so important in our lives that they almost magically transform into unforgettable steel. They are people we like, who infect us with sincerity, who speak frankly to us and who reflect flashes of loyalty in their eyes.

People who are a blessing, who play with good values, who make us feel good and who heal the wounds of our past. People who touch our soul with authenticity of heart, who vibrate with their dreams and ours, who assume their weight in our lives.

Those figures that smell like home. They act as a balm for our pain, taking responsibility for their mistakes and handling the consequences of their decisions with wise eyes and constructive thoughts.

Justice, goodness and balance, pillars of his personality

They are rare, yes, but having any of these beautiful people in our life is a great reason to smile. Also to feel proud and handle the beautiful art of gratitude, moving away from banal expectations and bitterness of the same condition.

Hands that transmit light

These people of unforgettable steel are people we like because they infect us with sincerity, fidelity and frankness, because from their hand we learn the value of balance, the importance of our emotions and the dreams that make us close our eyes and sigh.

They are synonymous with “psychological oxygen” because in our relationship with these types of people we learn from the wisdom of our feelings, as well as the value of extracting the potential meaning that lies behind each suffering.

Unforgettable steel are those people who, despite their mistakes, create bubbles of joy and make us forget our sorrow, those who resist prejudice, ignore gossip and act with courage in the face of injustice.

Hands surrounded by flowers

The language of solidarity, respect and sensitivity

They are people who do not intoxicate and who, if at some point they do, understand that asking for forgiveness is necessary  and that they must have patience to accompany the injured person in their healing process.

This attitude is based on humility, sensitivity and touch, three pillars of unforgettable steel. Wise in their dreams and aware of their feelings. They dare to guide their relationships on the path of appreciation, putting aside interests and selfishness.

Unforgettable Steel is a masterpiece of emotional intelligence. His empathic capacity taken to the maximum expression, the heart of gold with diamonds, the brilliance of honesty and the validity of good feelings.

Unforgettable steel people: a corner to which we can always return

They are home people, warm and willing to give hugs that drive away fears. They are those figures that teach you the hard way, that show you that the world is wonderful if you look at it with the right lenses.

Because through their patience, we understand that good things must be known to wait and that, while they arrive, we are likely to find roots and reasons to stay and continue enjoying the landscape.

Because sometimes, only when you meet this good company, do you understand that the good thing about having fallen seven times is that you can get up eight times and that hitting the bottom of a well is not so bad, it helps you gain momentum.

Don’t let the unforgettable steel people escape

All the emotional wealth they offer us is based on their great emotional capacity. It is fueled by two essential fuels: love and understanding.

So, let’s not let these pretty people escape. Let’s not stop embracing them with words, with daily details, with intense looks and sincere caresses.

Let us not stop trying to explain to them that the most painful wounds are better coped with when they are by our side. And let’s not stop giving them the importance they have and let’s not stop coloring their canvas with our smile.

Because, without a doubt, unforgettable steel people are the best emotional batons that we can incorporate into our lives. They are points of support and recovery from which we can learn to recover.

That is why our gratitude and your well-being is the only thing that guarantees the reward, a sweet reward that will last forever.

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