Hashimoto Diet: Description, Foods And Tips

The Hashimoto diet is a mechanism to treat a type of hypothyroidism, thus avoiding the development of a severe clinical picture that determines the lifestyle. It is a pathology that has its origin in a hormonal imbalance, so it usually requires the use of pharmacology for its complete approach.

It should be noted that thyroid-related problems can be of two types. It is possible to experience an increase in the production of thyroid hormones, with all the inconveniences that this entails, or also to be under a situation of deficiency in their synthesis.

Why is it necessary to watch the diet with Hashimoto’s disease?

Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism causes an inflammation of the thyroid gland that causes it to malfunction. It is important to watch your diet in these types of situations to avoid a progression of the disease, which could lead to a gland that is less and less capable of carrying out its functions.

We must not forget that this organ is responsible for producing a series of determining hormones in metabolic function. Failure to synthesize them in sufficient quantities can lead to fat weight gain. Even a chronic inflammation of the gland would lead to the growth of a tumor in the area.

Through diet it is possible to provide nutrients that improve thyroid function. On the other hand, taking care of your diet counteracts the weight gain induced by Hashimoto’s disease.

It should be noted that overweight situations have proven to be detrimental to health, increasing the risk of suffering from various disorders.

Woman with body overweight due to Hashimoto's disease.

Foods to avoid on the Hashimoto diet

We are going to show you what foods you should avoid if you suffer from Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, to slow down the progression of the disease.


Crucifers, despite being recommended foods in the context of a balanced diet, have the ability to be goitrogens. For this reason, they should be avoided in the Hashimoto diet, as they could increase thyroid inflammation. This group includes cabbage, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Walnuts and peanuts

The same thing happens with these products as with crucifers. They have a large amount of antinutrients that can reduce the absorption of iodine at the intestinal level.

Spinach and carrot

Although the consumption of the aforementioned products should be quite limited, in the case of spinach and carrots it can be more lax. It is enough that they are not part of the daily diet.

These are foods that are capable of providing advantages if consumed in moderation on the Hashimoto diet.

Foods you should eat more

One of the key aspects of the Hashimoto diet is the need to increase the presence of iodine in the diet. According to a study published in Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery , it is an essential nutrient for the production of thyroid hormones.


Fish have high levels of iodine inside. In addition, it also has fatty acids from the omega 3 series, which have shown anti-inflammatory abilities. For this reason, it has a double action when it comes to fighting the progression of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.


As in the previous case, its iodine content is significant. However, people with high blood uric acid should be careful with these products , as they could develop problems.

Dairy products

Dairy products have high doses of iodine. In addition, they have probiotics in their composition, capable of colonizing the digestive tract, exerting a positive metabolic effect. When it comes to weight control, they are excellent foods.

Other Important Nutrients to Consider

In addition to the foods discussed, it is important to increase the intake of the following nutrients, since they are also involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones:

  • Zinc : present in red meat and nuts.
  • Iron : can be found in foods of animal origin.
  • Manganese : it is common in nuts and cereals.
  • Vitamin A : it is possible to ingest it through green, red or orange vegetables.
  • Selenium : present, above all, in nuts and cereals. Also in dairy.
Milk and dairy products for Hashimoto diet.

The Hashimoto diet is not enough

Promoting physical activity will be essential to stabilize metabolism and ensure proper body composition. Otherwise, obesity, a risk factor for the development of many other chronic diseases, could be promoted.

At the same time, it is essential to turn to pharmacology. With it, the quality of life can be increased, reducing the feeling of constant fatigue. However, the drugs must be prescribed by a specialist and the doses must be reviewed periodically.

Hashimoto diet to help in the management of hypothyroidism

Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism is a pathology that can cause many problems in the medium term if it is not managed properly. Therefore, its early detection is essential, as well as adapting lifestyle and dietary habits to the situation.

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