How To Motivate Your Child To Study After The Holidays

It’s Monday and back to school day after break. While you are preparing everything, your child is not so active. His mind is still on vacation and getting back into the routine makes him very lazy. Do you want to know how to motivate your child to study? 

Returning to our activities after a period of rest and feeling sluggish is something that happens to everyone, not just young people who are studying. Therefore, there are certain strategies that can help us to take up our tasks again.

If in your case you are worried that your child cannot return to the routine, today you will discover some tips that will help you achieve it. Did we discover them?

How to motivate your child to study after the holidays

Like any project that we want to be successful, we need planning. Nothing complicated.

Simply consider a series of activities that you can schedule for your child before school starts, on back to school day, and during their first weeks at school. Here we leave you some ideas.

Father helping his son with homework.

Educational activities

You can complete hobby books, play brain teasers, and guess words with your child. Also, you can enter educational portals that make games available for free that your children will love.

If you want him to learn English, you can start the study engines by enrolling him in a short workshop a week or two before returning to school.

If music is your thing: flute, guitar or instrument classes that appeal to you will also activate your learning habits.

Study environment

To motivate your child to study, you must prepare a study space. Better if it is quiet, comfortable and free from distractions. It is important that you find it attractive to sit there.

If you have not yet assigned an area, take the opportunity to do it together with him.  Let him decorate it with his favorite objects. If you already have a desk, changing its layout and updating the decor a bit can help inspire.

Go shopping

Buying and renewing school supplies can be very attractive for children. Especially if you allow them to choose the design of the notebooks and cases, in addition to their backpack, of course.

Blue backpack with notebooks, markers, scissors and calculator.

These are activities associated with school that will connect your child with going back to school and the homework that awaits him.

Activate your relationships

You can invite a classmate to come home or you can schedule a meeting with friends in the park or go out for ice cream.

Any excuse is good to promote the reunion of your son with his friends from school.

 Check the use of video games

Probably on vacation days your children exceeded a bit in the time they dedicated to video games.

Therefore, before the start of classes, it is important to follow the recommendation of the specialists that should not be more than two hours a day. This control is necessary to be able to introduce the study routine later.

Back to classes, get up early!

The dynamics of going to school on the day of return to class is good to face with the time in favor. So going to bed and getting up early is convenient, not just for your child, but for the whole family.

Getting up early will give you time to prepare your child’s favorite breakfast. It will allow you to help him get out of the race without starting a good week.

Wake up study habits

For school entry to be successful, it is crucial to reorganize a routine at the beginning of classes that allows you to motivate your child to study. First, post his schedule in a visible place for him. Help him create a study plan for the week as he gets his assignments.

Woman hanging a calendar on the wall.

Your child has to understand that studies are his responsibility. Avoid doing his homework, although helping him is important. If you want to help him promote his study habits, heed the following tips:

  • Give him one hour a day to study. Be persistent in its fulfillment.
  • It allows the necessary breaks or pauses in the study days.
  • Listen when your child asks for help, either from you or from a specialist.
  • Try not to lose patience while helping him with his homework. You can put yourself on homework: “I will not be angry!”.

In short, it will never be too late to motivate your child to study. Every beginning of the year will be an opportunity to develop your relationship with the studio and improve your chances of getting good grades. As you will see, a lot depends on you, so you can start organizing your plan.

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