How To Treat Pharyngitis In A Natural Way

To treat pharyngitis in a natural way, it is recommended to eat foods that have a smooth texture, drink hot beverages and rest.

Have you ever wondered how to treat pharyngitis naturally? If so, the first thing you should know is that natural treatment is aimed at complementing the pharmacological one, not replacing it. Are you curious? Don’t worry, because then we will tell you everything you need to know.

Pharyngitis is a discomfort that causes pain when swallowing and is usually more common in winter. Most of the time it has its origin in flu, colds, coxsackie virus or mononucleosis. Therefore, medical evaluation is necessary to determine the cause and give the most appropriate treatment.

In this regard, Medline Plus experts explain that most cases of pharyngitis are often caused by viruses. Against these, antibiotics do not work, therefore they are not always prescribed. Instead, what is usually indicated to patients are over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol.

What else is there to know about pharyngitis?

The Mayo Clinic website explains that the pharynx is a muscular organ located behind the nostrils and the mouth that reaches the neck, where it joins the esophagus and larynx. It is very important since, thanks to it, air goes to the larynx and food to the esophagus.

Of course, the quality of the air we breathe and the food we eat can inflame the area and cause pharyngitis (or sore throat, as it is often called colloquially).

Identify pharyngitis

The inflammation can manifest itself accompanied by:

  • Mild cough
  • Slight itching
  • Secretions
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Feeling of dryness

When pharyngitis is acute, it is accompanied by a cold. On the other hand, if it is chronic, it appears recurrently in people who smoke or drink, who work using their voices (singers, announcers, speakers) or who suffer from nasal septum deviation or sinusitis.

Children between the ages of 5 and 15 are more prone to strep throat (contagious and more common in winter). This is due to a group A bacteria ( Streptococcus ) and its symptoms are as follows:

  • Fever.
  • Throat pain.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty to swallow.
  • White patches in the throat.
  • Redness of the tonsils.

As we mentioned before, depending on the cause of the problem, the treatment of pharyngitis will come to be one or the other.

Home remedies to relieve pharyngitis

Treating pharyngitis in a natural way basically consists of maintaining good life habits, along with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, in order to ensure a speedy recovery.

The remedies are not alone a cure, but a complement that can be used in some cases, if the professional authorizes it. This is because, although they are intended to be beneficial, in some cases they may not be so convenient, as they could cause interactions.

Remember that, in addition to pharmacological treatment and the specific use of certain remedies, it is important to rest, drink hot infusions and wrap up warmly to obtain relief.

1. Thyme

How to drink thyme infusion?

Thyme is credited with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Therefore, it is considered that it can be useful to alleviate the discomfort caused by pharyngitis. To do this, you can consume thyme tea or gargle with this liquid several times a day.


  • Thyme (10 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • Optional: honey (to taste).


  • First, heat the water to a boil.
  • Then, remove from the heat and add the thyme.
  • Then cover and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Then filter and sweeten with honey.
  • Finally, drink as hot as possible.
  • In the case of gargling, do not sweeten it.

2. Whole barley

Whole barley is bought in naturist houses and has many properties. It is considered to be very suitable for relieving sore throats, although this has not been scientifically proven.


  • ¼ cup of whole ground barley (27 g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • Honey (to taste)


  • First, in a saucepan, place the water and barley.
  • Then, heat until it boils and continue cooking for 30 minutes.
  • Then, after that time, remove from heat and strain.
  • Then add the honey and stir well.
  • Finally, gargle with the resulting liquid several times a day.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinager

Although scientific evidence is limited, in the popular field they attribute antibacterial and cleansing properties to vinegar, for this reason, it is considered that it could be useful to complement the treatment of pharyngitis. 


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml).


  • First, warm the water and add the vinegar.
  • Then mix well and gargle two or three times a day. Do not swallow it.

4. Sage

Sage is a plant that has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve sore throats caused by pharyngitis, especially when combined with honey.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of sage leaves (20 g).
  • Honey (to taste)


  • First, put the water on the fire and, when it comes to a boil, add the sage.
  • Then cook for 15 minutes, remove and cover for 10 minutes.
  • Filter and, when it is at a temperature you can bear, drink with a hint of honey.

5. Tomato

It is advisable to drink natural tomato juice.

This home remedy is not only a way to nourish the body in case of being at rest due to pharyngitis, but it also helps to strengthen the immune system and obtain extra antioxidants and lycopene. 


  • 2 tomatoes
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml).


  • First, wash the tomatoes and cut them into quarters.
  • Then, remove the seeds and place in the blender glass.
  • Then add the water and mix well.
  • Finally, drink immediately.

6. Cayenne pepper

Widely used in the preparation of oriental dishes (especially Hindu), cayenne, known for its spicy flavor, is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial thanks to a compound called capsaicin. To take advantage of it, it is possible to add it to dishes or to prepare the following remedy.


  • Honey (25 g).
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder (2 g).


  • First, peel the garlic cloves, cut in half and remove the center (germ).
  • Then grate and place in a container.
  • Then add the cayenne pepper and honey.
  • Then mix well and consume on an empty stomach.
  • Finally, drink a glass of water immediately afterwards.
  • Repeat at noon and at night.

7. Golden milk

Turmeric medicinal drink from Ayurvedic medicine.

Warm milk is comforting at night when it’s cold or sick. It helps us fall asleep and provides us with many vitamins. If we combine it with antibacterial ingredients such as honey or turmeric powder, much better.


  • Honey (25 g).
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (5 g).


  • First, heat the milk in a saucepan or in the microwave.
  • Then add the honey or turmeric and mix well.
  • Finally, drink as hot as possible.

    Remember that the best cure is prevention. Therefore, at all times of the year, try to warm yourself well, stay well hydrated, ventilate the home well and apply the rest of the recommended measures.

    At the same time, try to exercise regularly, maintain a balanced diet and good hydration, and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

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