Incredible Benefits Of Turmeric Juice

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric juice can be very effective in fighting diseases such as arthritis and even slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Preparing a rich turmeric juice can bring many benefits to our body. For example, in parts of the world like India and other Asian countries, this plant is a fundamental ingredient.

In addition to its use in cooking, turmeric also has an important role in alternative natural medicine. It is said that turmeric juice can provide us with more than 300 antioxidants, in addition to many other nutrients.

If you want to discover its benefits, pay attention to this article!

Turmeric juice for a healthy life

From the roots of the turmeric plant we can get an effective drink with many properties. These roots have a bitter to slightly spicy taste, similar to raw ginger.

Turmeric roots.

Although we can use it dry, the best turmeric juice will be obtained from the roots of the fresh plant.

Before using them to cook the juice, proceed to wash the root pieces well. This must then be peeled off.

Benefits of turmeric juice for arthritis and inflammations

Drinking turmeric juice can be a good supplement for those suffering from arthritis. This is because turmeric has a compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Therefore, in addition to the pain caused by arthritis, turmeric juice is a great ally against the inflammation that this disease causes.

It is also advised against other symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.

It can help us prevent some cancers

Turmeric juice has properties that, on certain occasions, can prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. Thus, curcumin is able to eliminate free radicals, which minimizes the damage that cell membranes can receive.

In this way, it is possible to help in the prevention of some types of cancer, such as prostate, breast, lung, liver, skin cancer, and even colon cancer.

Now, don’t forget that this is not a miracle product that can cure a tumor. Therefore, you should visit your doctor if you think you have a serious health problem.

A great ally to slow down Alzheimer’s

If there is something you should know about turmeric juice, it is that it can slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s. As we know, this terrible disease causes a gradual loss of memory.

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, it helps to block the COX-2 enzyme, which is responsible for neuronal inflammation.

Consuming turmeric juice will also provide us with an improvement in the flow of oxygen to our brain, which will help us, in certain cases, to delay the evolution of Alzheimer’s.

As in the previous case, you must also bear in mind that it is not a cure for this disease and that you should visit your doctor if you think that someone in your environment may be suffering from it.

It is useful for diabetics

Turmeric juice regulates the sugar levels in our blood, making it a great ally for people suffering from diabetes.

Other benefits

Turmeric juice.

Finally, you should know that  turmeric is very beneficial in treating heartburn, as well as protecting against excess toxins, psoriasis, damaged skin or in some cases of depression.

It also becomes effective in fighting aging and improves the health of our liver.

How to consume turmeric?

Turmeric can be consumed  as a powder or through turmeric juice.

In the kitchen, we can add it to soups, teas, smoothies, milk, breads, rice, assorted stews, desserts …

How to prepare a turmeric juice

Among the many recipes to make a turmeric juice that, in addition to being healthy, is rich, we show you the following:


  • 5 inches of turmeric root (12 cm)
  • 5 tamarinds, peeled
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

Preparation of turmeric juice.


  • Strainer
  • A blender
  • A jar or other type of container with a lid


    1. First of all, we must peel the turmeric. For this we can use gloves, since it  is possible that our hands turn yellow. We will also open the tamarind and remove its internal roots.
    2. Next, we will fill a container with water, we will put the peeled turmeric and we will boil until it is cooked.
    3. In a little water, we will put the peeled tamarinds and we will also cook until their texture is similar to that of jam. Little by little we will see how their seeds come out.
    4. We will take the cooked turmeric with part of its water (we will remove the rest and we can add it) and we will crush it with the help of a blender.
    5. Next, we strain the tamarind and add it to the turmeric mash. We also have to squeeze the lemons and add the juice to the previous mixture, as well as a little honey to sweeten.
    6. To conclude, we will put everything in a glass jar and store it in the fridge for a minimum of three or four days. With this juice we can enrich smoothies, add a little to soups, creams, etc.!

    Some contraindications

    Drinking some turmeric juice on an empty stomach in the morning is beneficial for everyone. However, some people may have stomach upset, due to its peculiarities.

    For example, patients with gallstones should avoid consuming turmeric, among other things because of its blood-thinning effects. Also, in excess, turmeric juice can lead to stomach ulcers.

    With these caveats in mind, feel free to incorporate turmeric juice into your diet. We are sure you will like it!

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