Japanese Gastronomy, A Diet As Rich As It Is Healthy

Did you know that the average life in Japan is more than 86 years ? And it is that more and more Japanese people are capable of reaching this age, and even reaching a hundred.

In fact, more than 40,000 Japanese elderly have more than a century of life behind them. Given this, surely you all wonder if the Japanese have a kind of magic formula, or a fountain of eternal youth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Does Japanese gastronomy help this?

So what makes the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun live so many years? Well, one of the basic reasons for your good health is your diet . Here in Spain we boast about how healthy the Mediterranean diet is (which it really is), although in order to further implement this diet, it is not a bad thing to learn a little about other good gastronomies.

Japanese food

Japanese gastronomy

The key to good health is in the combination of a healthy lifestyle with a proper and complete diet. The combination of these factors favors the health and strength of the body. For this reason, the countries in which a gastronomy based on good, natural and healthy food prevails, are those in which the citizens with the highest quality of life are found.

Japanese gastronomy, as the professional Tsudoki Tsuyoshi explains, is characterized by having very necessary and healthy ingredients, especially for our hearts. One of the great benefits of the Japanese diet is its low fat content . And it is that their meals are based on foods really rich in phytosterols (vegetable oils).

Likewise, when cooking they do not use butter or oil. Sometimes they only serve fish broth or soybean oil to cook and season their dishes . These two ingredients have practically zero calorie content.

Another of the basic elements in their diet is the way they eat . Most Japanese people take food as a kind of “ritual” that must be enjoyed and savored slowly . Hence, they eat only small plates where the food is taken in small portions and in units. So they get to eat what they really want and / or need . For this reason, Japanese men do not eat more than 2,500 calories a day , while women do not eat more than 2,000.

If you have already become a little more interested in Japanese gastronomy, here are some of the foods that can help you to have a much healthier diet, and above all original.

Japanese style noodles

Japanese foods for a healthy diet

  • Fish. Especially those with blue meat that have little fat and are very rich in Omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids are known for their ability to promote cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation. Its consumption is associated with a control in cholesterol levels and a reduction in the risk of heart disease.
  • ยท White rice. The quintessential basic pillar of the Japanese diet. You can only take it boiled and without any type of sauce. It has hardly any calories.
  • Soy.   It is surely one of the healthiest foods out there due to its high amount of antioxidants. It also helps lower “bad” cholesterol, and is good against diabetes. You can take it in portions of tofu.
  • Grilled vegetables. Better known as “tempura”. Cucumber, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin … any of these vegetables are worth to accompany your dishes. In addition, since they are prepared on the grill, they do not usually have too many calories.
    • Green Tea. They help absorb fat and thanks to them you will also stop retaining fluids. All this without saying that they will help you a lot to satisfy your appetite.

    As you have seen, Japanese gastronomy is a food in which its basic pillars are rice and all kinds of fish and vegetables . With these dishes, rest assured that you will be able to reduce cholesterol, lead a much healthier life, and all this while delighting your palate with completely new and exotic flavors.

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