Learn To Take Care Of Your Vocal Cords

Beyond the volume that is used when speaking, other aspects such as diet or different respiratory habits must also be taken care of, since they can negatively influence the vocal cords.

Changes in temperature, tobacco, breathing through the mouth, cold drinks, irritating foods or talking excessively are reasons that tend to continuously damage the vocal cords, causing problems such as aphonia or dysphonia.

In this article we will give you tips and natural remedies to learn how to take good care of your vocal cords in a simple way. They will be especially useful for those people who often suffer from inflammation or for those who in their routine must use the vocal cords often, either speaking excessively or even singing.

What damages the vocal cords?

Smoking cigarette

The first step in caring for your vocal cords is learning the habits that damage and inflame them. An article published by the American Thoracic Society would point out the following:

  • The snuff not only affects the lungs and overall health, but also irritates and dries the vocal cords. In addition, over time, the timbre of the voice changes if you do not quit smoking.
  • A poor diet negatively affects the vocal cords. The most harmful foods are those that irritate, acidify or cause mucus, such as dairy.
  • Nervous and negative emotional states, such as stress or anxiety, damage your health and also affect them.
  • Not resting well. On this aspect, the singers notice how their voice worsens when they have not rested well.
  • Speak incorrectly. Many people speak with damaging stresses; either at a very high volume or by continuously clearing his throat.
  • It is best for your vocal cords to drink fluids at room temperature or warm. Very cold or very hot drinks are not recommended, since these would not only affect the vocal cords but also the digestive processes.
  • Many people breathe through their mouths during the day and also at night. This irritates and dries out the vocal cords; therefore, it is essential to learn to breathe in through the nose. As you get used to it, you will naturally do well overnight.

In some cases, problems in the vocal cords can be the cause of some type of injury such as nodules, polyps or diseases of the respiratory system. For this reason, if you have recurrent aphonia, we recommend consulting a specialist.

Infusions of medicinal plants

One of the simplest remedies to prevent oral problems is to get used to taking daily warm infusions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties and that help hydrate the larynx. Therefore, we recommend combining or alternating the following:

  • Chamomile.
  • Thyme.
  • Ginger.
  • Plantain.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Agrimony.

Take the infusions on an empty stomach, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. In addition, you can add  a splash of lemon juice and a little honey or pure stevia since these are recommended, according to an article published by the University of Malaga, for the care and relief of the larynx.

Licorice pills

Licorice root

The licorice infusion and pills are an excellent option to carry around and take them wisely throughout the day, as they  help you to cough up and reduce inflammation of the airways.

Licorice root contains anti-inflammatory and pain relieving agents that help control irritation that would cause sore throats. However, specialists point out that they can increase blood pressure, so they are not recommended for hypertensive people.

Try to be pills without sugar or other additives. They can be found in dietetics, herbalists and pharmacies.

Propolis, a natural antibiotic for the vocal cords

According to beliefs, propolis is a natural antibiotic and a good remedy to keep the voice and strings healthy. In fact, there are those who also use it as a natural treatment for chronic dysphonia.

Drink it with hot water throughout the day. In moments of aphonia, it can be ingested directly alone or with water (five drops every hour until improvement is noticed).

A very simple exercise

To help relax and reduce inflammation in a few moments the vocal cords, this is another ideal alternative to do it. You can use this technique before giving a talk or even before you start singing.

It consists of grasping the tongue (with a clean cloth) and gently stretching it outwards; moving it in all directions. You will do it for a few seconds and you will repeat the exercise two or three times. Although the feeling is strange while you do it, at the end you will notice a greater well-being.

Take this information and recommendations into account. Your vocal cords will thank you!

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