Myths About Carcinogenic Foods

On numerous occasions, public opinion and activist associations link certain foods with the development of cancer. Among the most criticized products are transgenics, however, are such statements founded?

It is true that carcinogenic compounds may exist in food, but great care must be taken with how existing information is interpreted.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in developed countries. Its incidence increases with age and is related, among other things, to the amount of carcinogens to which we are exposed throughout life. Some of these carcinogenic foods may be present in the diet.

More and more scientific evidence indicates that diet may be related to the development of cancer. However, the cause of cancer is multifactorial and diet plays a role along with another set of aspects such as genetics.

What we can assure you is that you eat a healthy diet. By following a balanced diet, you can help maintain good health. And it can even prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases.

However, it is important to interpret the scientific information that we have in a logical way.

In this context, there are many articles and news that assure that the taking of certain carcinogenic foods leads to the appearance of the disease. In many cases, these statements are not entirely true.

Woman with a finger on her forehead.

Alleged carcinogenic foods

Processed meats

Certain meat products have nitroso compounds or aromatic amines that help to preserve these products. Especially marinated, cured or salty foods. These compounds can pose health risks as they have a carcinogenic potential.

However, a balanced diet is sufficient to prevent the possible negative health effects of these compounds. This is one in which there is not an excessive consumption of meat and enough foods of plant origin are ingested.

The drinks


The excessive consumption of soft drinks can be harmful to health. These products have an excessive amount of sugar. In this way, the body’s blood glucose levels can be greatly increased.

Likewise, light drinks, which reduce this amount of sugar, contain chemical substitutes and artificial sweeteners that are not beneficial to health either. Some of these compounds may have some carcinogenic potential. Although this does not mean that they can be guaranteed to cause cancer.

Therefore, the healthiest option would be to try to reduce the consumption of these types of products. It must be borne in mind that in the long run, they can deteriorate health.


There are numerous opponents of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or transgenic. However, this stance of denial and rejection towards transgenic technology is very often based on ethical aspects about its commercialization and production, and not so much about the product itself.

However, there is a large amount of information that states that eating GM foods is not safe. Also that it can lead to the development of cancer.

These statements often point to herbicides and pesticides as the culprit. These are used on this type of food.

In this context, the two main characteristics of transgenic food crops must be known. These are insect resistance and herbicide tolerance.

Characteristics of transgenics

Tomato being injected with a needle.

The first of the characteristics is achieved thanks to a protein of bacterial origin. Which has been used in organic agriculture, already in the 30s. The second characteristic is achieved by inserting a bacterial gene into the crop. It produces a protein that provides resistance to the herbicide glyphosate.

The use of this herbicide is one of the aspects that generates the most controversy around transgenics. However, there is a strong history of safe use  since 1974. In addition, numerous scientific studies ensure that glyphosate is not a risk factor.

The existing fear around the consumption of transgenic foods is based in many cases on ignorance. GMO foods are organisms to which certain DNA fragments have been modified or added.

DNA, present in all foods, we ingest with food and break it down in the stomach. Without causing us any harm.

Finally, due to their GMO status, transgenic foods are subjected to a rigorous international risk assessment process. The results of these evaluations show that transgenic crops do not present a greater risk to human health than their conventional counterparts.

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