Natural Remedies For Memory

Memory is defined as the basic cognitive process that allows information to be stored, encoded and retrieved. It is important to understand that there are different types of memory. On the one hand, we have short-term memory, which stores information for a few seconds or minutes. On the other, long-term memory is capable of storing it for a longer period of time.

Memory is one of the most important faculties of people. However, it doesn’t always work perfectly. As you age, for various reasons, it can be diminished. In addition, there are special cases in which it can be affected, which have to do with the presence of psychopathology, such as anxiety.

If you want to know more about memory, how it works and how to improve it naturally, we advise you to read this article. It will interest you.

Tricks to keep your memory in shape.

Causes of forgetfulness

It is not only the elderly who suffer from memory problems. Young people and adults can also suffer from them. For example, due to the demands of work or personal life, stress, or concentration problems.

In some cases, it can be due to diseases, such as the following;

  • Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
  • Stroke or depression
  • Alcoholism.
  • Head injuries, blood clots, or brain tumors.
  • Kidney, liver, or thyroid problems.
  • Reactions to certain medications.

It is highly recommended to see a specialist when memory problems are present. Especially to be able to diagnose the most serious cases in time. Regardless, it is also possible to prevent and help combat them through certain home remedies.

These natural treatments are not miraculous. Serious diseases cannot be cured with them, but they do favor the person, so we recommend going to a medical specialist before making any change in our lifestyle.

Home remedies to improve memory

Medicinal plants

It is advisable to drink an infusion of sage daily.  That is, a handful of dried leaves per cup of boiling water that is left covered for a few minutes and strained before drinking. Sage is good for memory due to its pharmacological properties, as this published study shows in the Journal of traditional and complementary medicine.

Thus, rosemary tea sweetened with honey is also a good option. The process of making the mixture is the same as in the previous recipe, adding just before drinking a tablespoon of pure honey from bees. Carnosic acid stimulates memory that this plant contains is beneficial for memory, as evidenced by this research from the Cell Journal (Yakhteh).

Another option is to boil a liter of water and add 7 teaspoons of anise. Thus, lower the heat to a minimum and boil until the content is reduced to about 700 ml. Then, strain and add four tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to drink 2 tablespoons of this remedy for memory three times a day, although there are no recent studies that corroborate that this is beneficial for memory.

Finally, you can also combine ginkgo biloba with rosemary,  as biloca sour cherry is beneficial for preserving and improving memory, as this article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine points out.  It can help protect the brain from free radical damage and prevent the deterioration of vital functions of the mind.

Infusion of ginkgo biloba to improve memory

Beneficial foods

First of all, it is advisable to maintain a balanced diet. A complete diet that includes various foods that complement each other. It is a good option to go to a professional who recommends the person what diet to follow.

In addition, in a complementary way, nuts are very good, such as walnuts. This research determined that nuts visibly improve cognitive function and may help prevent some neurodegenerative diseases.

Fresh ginger can be added to the diet, for example, in salads, soups, creams or sauces. You can also consume it in tea, it is a very positive complement due to its properties. Pay attention to the amount because in certain cases it can increase blood pressure, although there are no scientific references in this regard.

Similarly, it is good to crumble an artichoke and place it in a jar with water. So, let it simmer for two hours. If necessary, add more water to the saucepan. Finally, remove and strain the content. It is usually recommended to take 3 tablespoons of the mixture 3 times a day. In this sense, we cannot affirm that it is beneficial for memory either, since there are no scientific studies in this regard.

Homemade drinks

Prepare a delicious juice, good for memory, with 125 grams of dates, 250 grams of figs and 3 carrots. When you have achieved a homogeneous mixture in the mixer or blender, strain and drink. If possible in the morning and on an empty stomach.

In the same way, you can make a smoothie consisting of a cup of water, two peeled almonds, the juice of an orange, three walnuts and the juice of a mango, the latter with its pulp to make it creamier. Afterwards, blend everything together and drink every morning.

While all of these foods are truly beneficial to our overall health, there is no recent scientific research to support that such mixtures improve our memory in any way.

Shake for memory

As can be seen, it is possible to take care of memory naturally. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using natural remedies, we can continue in shape for many more years.

Finally, it is considered convenient to monitor your general health, and brain in particular, from time to time. Always put yourself in the hands of accredited professionals.

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