Prepare A Homemade Soap For Acne Skin

Since acne skin tends to be more sensitive and intolerant of certain chemicals, it is advisable to make a homemade soap with natural products to take care of them.

Skin with acne requires specific care to clean the pores in depth, but always respecting their pH and the production of natural sebum. If too aggressive treatments are followed, a rebound effect can occur that will damage the skin in the long term.

Discover in this article how you can prepare a very mild cleansing soap at home that is suitable for skin with acne. Keep reading!

Care for skin with acne

Steps for acne skin

Skin with acne must be strict about the steps to follow each morning and each night. We detail them below.

In the morning, when we get up:

  • We will wash our face with warm or cold water and our specific homemade soap.
  • Afterwards, we will apply an astringent and soothing facial toner.
  • Finally, we will hydrate the skin with a light and regulating lotion.

At night, before going to bed:

  • To begin, we will remove make-up and wash our face with the homemade soap.
  • Afterwards, we will apply the tonic.
  • We will use a specific moisturizing lotion for the night.

Once a week we will exfoliate and apply a facial mask.

How are the products for skin with acne?

How are the products for skin with acne?

Specific natural products for skin with acne tend to have rather light textures. This is because excess oil can cause more acne.

However, when choosing our product, it must be borne in mind that some people with acne do not have oily skin, but rather combination or dry skin. In these cases, we should opt for regulatory ingredients. For example, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and lavender.

Second, they usually also include antibacterial and antiseptic ingredients to prevent and combat superinfection. One of the best natural ingredients to do this is tea tree essential oil.

Finally, soothing and regenerating ingredients such as aloe vera or rosehip  allow us to calm inflammation and improve healing. Find out now how to prepare this soap.

Do not forget to consult your dermatologist about the application of this natural soap, as in some cases it could be counterproductive.

What do we need for our soap?

What do we need for our soap for skin with acne?

Ingredients for one large soap or two small ones

  • A bar of natural glycerin soap.
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered green clay (30 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (30 g).
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil.

It is important to note that essential oils must be of quality. We can buy them in herbalists, pharmacies and natural product stores. We should not confuse them with the synthetic essences that are sold in many stores to aromatize the environments.

Ingredient properties

This soap is very simple to prepare and allows us to create our own recipe. Here are the characteristics of the ingredients that best suit acne skin:

  • Glycerin : The base that we will use for this soap is vegetable glycerin, a mild and cleansing ingredient that also softens the skin.
  • Green clay : We usually use clay in our masks. However, thanks to its cleansing and remineralizing properties, it is also an ideal ingredient for our homemade soap.
  • Extra virgin coconut oil : Coconut oil will balance the cleansing function of this soap to prevent dryness on all skin types, as it has moisturizing and regulating properties. It will not leave us oily skin and, nevertheless, it will provide us with many nutrients and great softness. It also helps fight infection.
  • Lavender essential oil : Lavender is often used in many facial treatments, as it enhances the beneficial effects of the other ingredients. In this case, it helps us to regulate the sebum of the skin, to calm it and avoid superinfection.
  • Tea tree essential oil:  As we have indicated before, this oil has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties. Therefore, it is ideal for treating any infectious skin problem.

How do we prepare it?

  • To begin, we will put the bar of soap and coconut oil in a water bath until they melt.
  • Next, we will turn off the heat and add the rest of the ingredients, mixing them well with a spatula or spoon.
  • When everything is well mixed we will put it in one or two molds, depending on the shape we want the soap to have when it cools.
  • If we do not have a mold we can use a soap dish or the base of a plastic bottle.
  • When it cools it is ready for use.

Recommendations for acne skin

Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition of the hair follicles, characterized by the formation of pimples or blackheads that can be accompanied by scars.

Because there are different types of skin and the disease does not present in the same degree of severity in all people, it is recommended to go to a dermatologist for a diagnosis and offer complete advice on individualized treatment of acne.

In addition, changes in diet and habits are sometimes recommended, and advice regarding the use of cosmetics and the treatment of scars are included.

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