Properties Of Papaya For The Digestive System

Papaya can become an important ally against inflammation and intestinal parasites.

This fruit from Central America has many benefits for our health by providing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Did you know about the properties of papaya for the digestive system? We tell you more in this article.

Papaya: “The fruit of good health”

In countries like Mexico or Costa Rica, where papaya is a widely consumed fruit, it is considered powerful due to its many nutrients and properties. Also called mamón or milky, it has a very soft texture and is very juicy.

Among the components of papaya we can highlight:

  • Vitamins of the B complex (especially B1, B2 and B3), which regulate the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Niacin, which has the ability to protect the skin, according to this study by the Hautklinik am Klinikum der Stadt Karlsruhe.
  • Vitamins A and C.  The latter has interesting antioxidant properties as stated in the journal “Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry”.
  • Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

    It is very low in calories, which is why it is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Consuming 100 grams of papaya gives us only 53 calories.

    Some of the properties attributed to this fruit for our health are:

    • It has anti-inflammatory properties according to the “Journal of immunotoxicology”.
    • It could help eliminate intestinal parasites. This is stated in this study carried out in rats by the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil).

    There are other benefits that are attributed to the consumption of papaya, although they are not supported by conclusive scientific articles:

    • Helps digest red meat, heavy or very fatty foods.
    • Regulates the nervous system.
    • Fight chronic constipation.
    • Strengthens the immune system.
    • Reduces the symptoms of gastroenteritis, irritable bowel and colitis.

    Properties of papaya for the digestive system

    The beneficial properties of papaya for the digestive system are due to papain, the most important nutrient in this Caribbean fruit. Its active principle has the ability to improve digestion and intestinal processes, according to this study carried out by the Harcourt Butler Technological Institute (United Kingdom).

    Since we currently consume food that is not too good for our health and we have habits that are not entirely healthy, eating a rich papaya can significantly improve our lives.

    Poor diet not only affects the stomach, but also the rest of the body. If our digestive system is not balanced, we may experience any of these symptoms:

    • Abdominal pain
    • Bad breath
    • Heartburn
    • Flatulence
    • Bulging belly
    • Constipation
    • Diverticulitis
    • Intestinal parasites
    • Repetitive belching

    In these cases, it is advisable to consult our doctor first.

    A good way to consume papaya is as a healthy dessert after meals. Some people prefer to enjoy its freshness and flavor for breakfast and there are those who choose to enjoy it in the middle of the morning instead of a cup of coffee or some cookies.

    Thus, this delicious fruit can be eaten at any time of the day without any problem. To avoid getting bored you can also prepare smoothies or juices together with oranges, peaches or apples.

    Papaya is a great detoxifier

    Since the body is a whole and each action or habit affects the whole, by consuming papaya you will be giving your body a good antioxidant to eliminate the waste that accumulates in the intestines.

    You will also help the liver to cleanse itself and work better. You will expel toxins and reduce the negative effects of free radicals that cause premature aging of cells.

    This research conducted by the University of Queensland (Australia) indicates the possible ability of papaya to prevent or reduce the risk of colon or stomach cancer. However, this study is not based on clinical trials and therefore does not present a high degree of evidence. It is necessary to carry out more research in humans to know the possible effects of papaya on this pathology.

    Papaya and the heart

    Beyond the properties of papaya for the digestive system, it is worth highlighting its benefits for the heart. Papaya is an indisputable ally to prevent inflammation and protect the immune system, according to this study carried out by the aforementioned University of Queensland. Despite everything, clinical trials are still needed to confirm these properties to provide a high degree of evidence.

    Its cardiovascular benefits could be due to the presence of vitamins A, C and E (antioxidants), which prevent fat from accumulating on the walls of the arteries.


    Despite its multiple nutrients and health properties of papaya, people with intolerance to any of its components should avoid its consumption.

    On the other hand, it can cause interaction with the use of some medications. Consult with your doctor before consumption.

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