Solutions To Quickly Relieve Cold Sores

By applying a layer of petroleum jelly to the wound, we will keep it safe from bacteria and speed up healing.

Cold sores, popularly known as “fire,” are an outbreak caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, usually transferred through a kiss or close contact with someone who has an active outbreak. Once the virus is infected, it remains in the body for life and herpes infection can be triggered by factors such as fever, infections, stress, sunburn or food allergies.

According to information on the MedLine Plus web portal, almost everyone has contracted a cold sore by reaching adulthood. Usually the outbreak goes through five phases, which are: tingling, blistering, drainage, crusting, and healing. The latter is the most contagious phase, as the blister bursts and drains the fluid.

Ideally, you should stop cold sore outbreaks before they occur, that is, during their first phase. However, if it was unavoidable to get to the blister, there are several home remedies that can help combat this problem to accelerate its healing.

Cover your cold sore

Many people make the serious mistake of putting makeup on the cold sore wound so that it is not so noticeable. However, this can prevent the healing process from happening quickly and can prolong the blister. Instead of using makeup, it is recommended to apply a layer of Vaseline to keep it safe from bacteria and speed up the recovery process. Also, try to use sunscreen when you go out to prevent further damage.

Lip balm

dry lips

In the market you can find ointments with docosanol, which also accelerate the recovery process of cold sores. If you are going to be exposed to the wind or live in an arid place, try to use a lip balm to avoid blisters.

Recommended diet to combat cold sores

There are certain foods that can help us, since they contain an amino acid called lysine that fights cold sores. Among them we find milk, fish, meat and legumes.

In contrast, foods that contain an amino acid called arginine can be favorable for the virus. Among these foods we find: chocolate, nuts, peanuts and almonds.

Black tea

If you already have a cold sore lesion, place a black tea bag directly on the wound and rub it in for a few minutes. This remedy can help you reduce pain and heal the blister.



Garlic is a food known for its antiviral and antibiotic properties that can help us fight a large number of viruses. To combat cold sores, the ideal is to cut a garlic in half and put it directly on the bud.


Milk, as we have discussed before, contains lysine, which is an amino acid that helps speed up the cold sore recovery process. To do this, simply dip a cotton ball in milk and apply it directly on the bud. Ideally, use this remedy from the start of the symptoms of tingling on the lips.

Tomato and aloe vera

To clean the cold sore outbreak daily, you can apply tomato pulp for a few minutes and then put aloe vera pulp on it. Aloe contains very healthy ingredients for the skin and can help to quickly dry out the breakout.

Subtle lemon or lime


The subtle lemon or lime  has antiviral and antibiotic properties that can help us fight the cold sore infection. To take advantage of its benefits, simply apply a few drops of its juice directly to the affected area about 3 times a day.

Honey and vinegar

Both honey and vinegar have antibiotic properties that can help us fight cold sores. To apply it on the bud, simply mix a tablespoon of honey with a little vinegar and apply it directly to the wound using a cotton ball.

Prevention and care

It is very important to get rid of toothbrushes, lipsticks, towels, or anything else that came in contact with the outbreak while it was present. These items have likely been contaminated with the herpes virus and their subsequent use could cause new blisters. If possible, avoid reusing dirty cups, forks, or other items. Try to keep an antibacterial gel on hand to clean your hands frequently and rid them of possible bacteria.

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