Throat Canker Sores, What Are They And How Are They Treated

Throat canker sores are those small lesions that develop in the oral cavity. Likewise, its appearance is related to a poor functioning of the immune system.

Do you want to know what its causes are and what treatments exist to combat them? We inform you by following the doctors’ guidelines Ramón Bonet and Antonieta Garrote

What are canker sores in the throat?

The disorder is called “aphthous stomatitis” or “aphthous”. This usually begins in adolescence, although it sometimes debuts in later stages. In this line, a single lesion or several appear at the same time.

The appearance of canker sores is yellowish white with a red rim ; and they usually disappear within a week . Sometimes they cause discomfort such as burning, pain, and even a small lump may form.

Pain from aphthae in the mouth

It is a benign condition that is capable of becoming chronic, appearing in outbreaks several times a year and, in some cases, producing serious and complex pictures. Sometimes it even causes significant weight loss; since the patient suffers severe pain when eating.

Causes of canker sores in the throat

Although its origin is not known for sure, it is known that its appearance is related to the immune system. In addition, the following causes are noted:

  • A certain family predisposition has been verified. It is common for several members of the same family to be affected by thrush.
  • Emotional stress is present in many episodes. Although there is no scientific certainty, it is believed that emotional stress affects the immune system and predisposes the subject to suffer from canker sores.
Emotional stress can be one of the causes of canker sores in the oral cavity.

  • Trauma to the oral mucosa as a consequence of involuntary bites they would also be a triggering factor.
  • In some patients, low levels of iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12 have been detected .
  • Throat canker sores have also been linked to the consumption of acidic foods and gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Certain food allergies are suspected, especially those caused by sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpastes.

Curious facts about its medical evolution

These are the factors that have been pointed out as causing sores in the throat. However, in most cases, it remains an idiopathic disease (of unknown origin).

However, some data is handled:

  • Its cause is not an infectious disease.
  • It is ruled out that it is produced by the herpes virus.
  • It is not contagious.

Throat canker sores go away when the cause is identified and treated. But if that doesn’t work, experts turn to supportive and symptomatic treatments to relieve pain or itching.

Nodules in the throat

When hygienic measures are not enough, they resort to pharmacological treatments. It is important to highlight that, on occasions, it will be necessary to make a differential diagnosis with pathologies that cause mouth ulcers. You can even resort to performing biopsies, among other tests.

Therefore, it is important to consult a medical professional and avoid self-medication; as it could mask the symptoms and worsen the prognosis.

Precautionary measures

  • Use a soft bristle brush.
  • Use mouthwash after brushing to kill germs.
  • Reduce the consumption of acidic foods : lemons, tomatoes, kiwis, pineapple, etc.
  • Avoid excessively spicy and spicy foods.

Some natural remedies also serve to ease discomfort. For example, Dr. Raúl C. Peña explains that propolis extract has antibiotic action.

Along these lines, an article published by the Journal of the Indian Society of Periodontology highlights the use of calendula for its anti-inflammatory, healing and antimicrobial properties.

Pharmacological treatment of canker sores in the throat

In most cases, some of the treatments that the doctor usually prescribes are the following:

  • Cyanoacrylate-based ointments with which the ulcer is covered. It acts as a glue that prevents food and saliva contact with the injury.
  • Topical anesthetics such as lidocaine or benzocaine, which relieve pain.
  • Corticosteroids for topical use to rinse or to be applied in ointment based on fluocinonide, clobetasol or dexamethasone.
  • For larger injuries, steroids can be injected into the ulcer or treated with a CO2 laser.
  • Increase the consumption of foods that contain folic acid, B vitamins and iron. As well as apple, yogurt, banana, mango, legumes, etc.
  • Antiseptic gargles with salt water and / or hydrogen peroxide. Both are effective antiseptics that help reduce symptoms.

If a prompt improvement is not achieved, or the episodes are repeated several times a year, you should go to the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and rule out other more serious diseases that occur with thrush.

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