Tips For Cleaning The Face According To Skin Type

We bring some tips to clean the face according to the type of skin that can facilitate this process, because we must not forget that facial cleaning promotes health and well-being. Beyond the aesthetic results, in this way traces of dirt, bacteria and grease are removed.

In the real world, occupations do not leave much room to invest in personal care, but studies have shown that washing the face helps control acne breakouts and the appearance of blackheads. The recommendation is to use a mild cleanser to achieve this goal.

Cleaning the face is important, yes, but it is vital in those people who usually use makeup. Cosmetic products often prevent the skin from breathing and, by not taking care measures, the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of premature aging is also promoted.

Why are there different types of skin?

Before talking about the tips for cleaning the face we want to describe the reason why there are different types of skin. The main factor lies in genetics;  each person has a physical predisposition according to the genes inherited from the parents.

Now, a study on sensitive skin indicates that other extrinsic factors are added to this genetic component, such as the use of makeup or inappropriate toiletries, and environmental changes such as cold, heat, sun and wind. There is also the influence of diet, of the consumption of hormones such as contraceptives and other medications.

Tips for cleaning the face

Now that you have a little clearer why you should clean your face regularly, we will continue with the specific tips for you to clean according to your skin type.

Oily skin

Oily skin with acne.

Oily skin is the one that has a greater predisposition to accumulate sebum. For this reason, the appearance of pimples, blackheads and pimples is common. So it requires a strict cleaning process to stay free of bacteria, avoiding acne.

These are the tips to clean the face that you should follow in this case:

  • Exfoliation: allows the removal of dead cells and, with it, the impurities present in the most superficial layer. This process should be done between 1 and 2 times a week. Although it has been feared by many, as ancient methods could lacerate, research has shown that there are gentle products to choose from.
  • Facial cleansing: Use a mild facial cleanser such as micellar water twice a day, in the morning and at night. If you wear makeup, this will be a step you should never skip.
  • Hydration: there is a lack of belief and that is that oily or acne skin does not require hydration. In fact, some treatments to counteract oil production can overly dry the face and damage the natural barrier. The recommendation is to nourish and hydrate the skin with light products that contain oils.

Dry Skin

As the Mayo Clinic highlights, dry skin has its origin in exposure to cold or very hot weather, as well as low humidity or constant baths with high-temperature water. Although it is not a serious condition, if the advice that we will give you does not work, you should consult a dermatologist:

  • Clean with warm water: clean the face with very hot water and it will dry out the skin for a long time, as it removes natural oils. So choose to wash with warm or cold water.
  • Use mild cleansers: The use of harsh soaps can also affect the skin and dry it. Use mild cleansers, moisturizing body wash, or special face soaps that have hydrating oils.
  • Always moisturize : after following these tips to cleanse the face, apply a moisturizer. Dry your face gently and apply your product; This will help you retain the natural water in your skin. The best are those that contain glycerin, which according to studies, helps to restore and improve the function of the protective barrier.

    Mixed skin

    As the name implies, those with combination skin tend to retain fat in the so-called T zone, that is, forehead, nose and chin. The rest of the face is dry. In these cases you have to mix a bit the advice that we already gave you. Do the following:

    • Cleaning: specifically in the T zone you should use a cleaner that keeps the accumulation of grease at bay. Use micellar water or a toner. On the rest of the face, use very mild cleansing products with a moisturizing factor.
    • Exfoliation: This type of skin can also be exfoliated, but use a mildly abrasive product, such as clay masks. Apply with gentle movements to dry areas to avoid irritation.

    Normal skin

    Normal skin is dreamy: smooth, non-greasy and rosy. Although it seems perfect, it is also necessary to take care of it and give it a good cleaning process. Here are some tips:

    • Cleaning: for the normal facial cleaning process, use lukewarm water and no hot water. Clean with special soaps that keep the pH in balance.
    • Moisturizes: to maintain the barrier that makes this type of skin shine naturally and healthily, hydrate the face after cleansing with products that contain natural benefits, such as coconut and avocado.

    Sensitive skin

    Sensitive skin tends to become red and warm. It is often irritated, itchy, and rash. People who have this type should always use hypoallergenic products that prevent serious damage to the surface:

    • Cleaning: although it is very delicate, you should clean your sensitive face with mild products such as micellar water. According to a study published in the American Academy of Dermatology , this substance does not cause irritation due to its low level of non-ionic surfactant.
    • Moisturizes: after cleansing, use moisturizing and protective creams, especially in winter. He prefers those that have a calming factor, such as chamomile or allantoin, as well as those with milk.

    Benefits of cleansing the face

    In addition to those already mentioned at the beginning of the article, cleaning the face has other benefits that you should know to internalize the importance of washing your face every day:

    • Eliminates impurities.
    • Prevents wrinkles and delays aging.
    • Stimulates softness and smoothness.
    • Eliminate oil, acne, pimples and blackheads.
    • It maintains the moisture of the skin and oxygenates it.
    Micellar water bottle to cleanse the face.

    When is a professional cleaning necessary?

    Even if you follow the advice to clean the face that we have given you, from time to time it is necessary to go for a professional cleaning. This is because, over time, makeup particles, oil and contamination can accumulate on the face.

    In addition, a professional visit will guide us better in terms of the products that can improve the conditions of our skin type. Depending on the characteristics we have, they can also prescribe special products for facial care.

    Although there is no rule that indicates how often to visit the dermatologist or go for a professional cleaning, if you notice sudden changes in the skin, as well as serious alterations, do not hesitate to make an appointment.

    Take care of your skin and follow these tips to cleanse your face

    Now you will know that applying these tips to cleanse the face go beyond an aesthetic habit; They seek the well-being of your face according to your skin type. Remember that there are specific products on the market for each one of them, so seek professional advice if you have questions about identification.

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