Tricks To Control Kidney Stones During Pregnancy

Avoiding excess sugar, as well as the caffeine present in coffee and soft drinks, is essential to avoid the possible formation of kidney stones during pregnancy

Controlling kidney stones during pregnancy can be difficult for some women. Despite these difficulties, it is undoubtedly one of the stages  most interesting in the life of any couple, especially women.

During this period you will have certain requirements to make sure that both you and the baby are in good condition.

In the case of kidney stones, these are not an impediment to getting pregnant , although they can alter the normal course of pregnancy .

Discover in this article some tricks to control kidney stones during pregnancy. Now, don’t forget to consult your doctor! Your opinion is the one that must prevail in any case. 

What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are tiny formations of residues (oxalates, uric acid, calcium, phosphates or cystine, among others) that are compacted.

They usually appear when you include too many minerals in your diet that are not used properly by the body.

The normal thing would be that these small stones do not appear, but that the water removes the excess minerals. However, the abundant consumption of processed foods or the lack of water can facilitate its appearance.

Kidney stones during pregnancy are usually treated with pain relievers and antispasmodics. Although this does not eliminate the problem, it helps to cope with it until the baby is born and other treatments can be used.

In cases of pregnancy,  There are several extra factors that can facilitate the appearance of kidney stones:

  • Increased levels of progesterone in the blood.
  • The progressive growth of the fetus.
  • Decreased normal function of the kidneys.

How to Control Kidney Stones During Pregnancy

Best for dealing with kidney stones during pregnancy is to prevent its appearance.  In case they are already there, follow these tips to prevent them from getting bigger and causing discomfort during this beautiful stage.

1. Reduce your sugar intake

You should always be careful not to consume too much sugar. In addition to causing problems such as metabolic syndrome or diabetes, it can lead to gestational diabetes.

Sugar cubes.

One of the big problems with following this indication is cravings. Some women feel the need to eat sweet foods during the first months of pregnancy .

If this is your case, choose to satisfy this craving with:

  • Chopped fruit
  • Natural juices (as long as you do not exceed half a glass)
  • Plain yogurt
  • Natural honey
  • Big wave natural

2. Maintain a healthy weight

Another trick to managing kidney stones during pregnancy is staying at your proper weight. Keep in mind that during this stage you will gain a few kilos due to the natural growth of the baby .

For this reason, be sure to watch what you eat and remember that exercising is essential. Many women make the mistake of allowing excessive weight gain thinking that it is normal. TO accumulating 10 or more kilos is extremely detrimental to your health and that of your baby.

If you have doubts, ask your doctor or go to a nutritionist to indicate a regimen that allows you and your baby’s correct nutrition without accumulating too much fat.

3. Get enough exercise

Everywhere we have heard that a day we must do at least 30 minutes of exercise. This recommendation is especially important if you want to control kidney stones during pregnancy.

Woman walking.

When you have this problem and do not exercise, the kidney area begins to feel the pressure caused by the baby . To control this discomfort and reduce it, it is an idea to walk, since:

  • Through this exercise you can reduce inflammation, or prevent it from appearing.
  • Also, by walking you help your baby to find a better position for the moment of his birth. This will greatly facilitate labor.

For all this, it is not uncommon for your gynecologist to place special emphasis on exercise throughout your pregnancy.

4. Avoid drinking soda and coffee

We know that many women cannot start their day without a good dose of caffeine. However, during pregnancy it is best to avoid it.

And it is that it is an irritating drink that can increase the discomfort related to inflammation in the area near the kidneys.

For its part, soda should also be avoided at all costs. The problem with this drink is the large amount of sugars and sodium.

Both elements together they can increase the chances of kidney stone formation.

5. Drink enough water

Regardless of whether you already have kidney stone problems during pregnancy or have had them before, it is important that your water intake is adequate.

It is advisable to drink enough water in pregnancy to control kidney stones.

The ideal is to drink two liters of natural water throughout the day. This water must be completely natural, without sweeteners or any other element.

In addition, this amount of liquid must be consumed throughout the day and not all in a short period of time. This will help to  effectively eliminate those minerals that you are consuming in excess.

In summary…

With these 5 tricks we are sure that you will no longer have many problems dealing with kidney stones during this stage.  Put them into practice and enjoy your pregnancy fully! 

Now, we remind you again that you should always consult your doctor if you think that you are facing a significant health problem, especially during pregnancy.

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