Walking Away Can Be A Great Show Of Love

Walking away from someone can be a great show of love. Because our presence sometimes does not help, quite the opposite. We believe that it is valuable to be next to someone, but what if it was more valuable to get away?

They don’t necessarily have to make us feel bad, insult us, or make us the target of some kind of harm. Sometimes, distancing yourself from the person you love the most can be a great gift at the right time.

Walking away allows others to fight their own battles

What happens when we love someone very much? We want nothing bad to happen to him and we watch over his well-being to such an extent that if we could put ourselves in his place, we would.

However, we know that this is not positive. Let’s imagine that we were going through a very bad moment from which we cannot raise our heads. They may offer us words of encouragement around us, but that is all: they can do nothing more.

In the event that someone tries to direct, advise and guide us by maintaining their external vision, or even doing things that we should do ourselves, they would be taking away the great opportunity to learn from one of the many experiences that life is offering us.

In addition, according to this study by the University of Sonora (Mexico), we would be interfering in their acquisition of one of the most important virtues: resilience.

We tend to run away from everything negative that happens to us. If the others want to take the skillet by the handle, there we leave it. However, doing so will prevent us from taking responsibility for what happens to us.

Nobody likes to suffer, but suffering allows you to grow, mature and learn. Without the negative, we would never value the positive; without the bad, we would not know how to direct ourselves towards what is best for us.

Trying to take the place of that person we love so much, wanting to fight the battles for her is a tremendous mistake. When love blinds us so much that it prevents us from thinking clearly and observing that the circumstances are what they are and can be a great opportunity, walking away is the best option.

Taking distance doesn’t mean you don’t care


There are different beliefs that can address us when we think of distancing ourselves from someone, of giving them their space to stop being a drag on their path to growth.

Without realizing it, sometimes we manipulate, coerce and all because we see reality differently. It is normal! Each one, instead, does something different.

But, the important thing is to allow each one to act as they want, even if it does not seem like the most appropriate way to us. That is why it is so important to get away, although various beliefs that we have in our minds urge us to continue by the side of that person we love. Here are some of them:

  • I can’t leave your side because, without me, what are you going to do? This is preventing the other person from taking control of the situation, in fact, you are detracting from it as if it could not solve things without you. You are not their savior.
  • If I walk away, he will think that he does not care. Maybe the other person doesn’t think so. In fact, this may be a fear that you have that others will look at you badly for not doing what is considered “right”.
  • He needs me, he always tells me that I am very important. Maybe the person you love so much has relied on you so much that they depend on you to be well and deal with the situation. You do not know how much you will make it grow if you move away from it.

Tokens of love have different perspectives


We take as true and true everything that we have been doing up to now. However, sometimes you have to question the ways of acting and thinking, taking new perspectives.

For a long time we believed that failure was terrible, until we began to take it as an apprenticeship ; we consider dependency as synonymous with love, when true love was cultivated individually.

Walking away from someone can allow that person to grow, mature, and become strong. Because no one can take control of our lives except ourselves.

Let’s not take away from others the opportunity to empower themselves. If they are afraid, if they have become attached and if they need us because they believe that they cannot by themselves, it is time to move away.

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