What Are The Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

Do you want to take care of your dental health but have sensitive teeth? We tell you what the causes of this discomfort are. Continue reading!

One of the most popular oral conditions is sensitive teeth. This is usually very annoying, since it causes a lot of pain and, most of the time, it makes it very difficult to consume certain foods and drinks.

Treating this problem early is very important for good dental health. Here are the causes of sensitive teeth.

In general, the high sensitivity of the teeth is due to a gradual exposure of the dentin, the soft part that is under the tooth enamel.

The latter has a large number of small tubes that, in turn, are made up of nerve endings that fill with fluid. Heat or cold cause the fluid to move through the dentin tubes, causing discomfort or pain.

Causes of sensitive teeth

1. Brush your teeth with great force

Many people believe that brushing their teeth vigorously, doing it many times a day, or using a stiff bristle brush will ensure a deep cleaning and good dental health. However, this is not so.

Dentists recommend not doing any of these things that can wear down tooth enamel, jeopardizing dentin exposure. These habits can also cause receding gums.

2. Grinding your teeth

Some people grind their teeth (bruxism) when sleeping due to stress or tension. On many occasions this occurs unconsciously, so the person does not realize that he is doing it.

Grinding your teeth can increase the chances of having high sensitivity in your teeth. Bruxism gradually wears down the enamel of our teeth, exposing the dentin.

3. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a disease that destroys the supporting tissues of the teeth (such as the gums, periodontal ligaments and dental sockets) due to infection and inflammation of the same.

As the gums become inflamed, the root of the teeth is exposed, which can lead to tooth sensitivity.

If you experience some of the symptoms of gingivitis, it is highly recommended to treat yourself in time to avoid other types of problems.

4. Retraction of the gums

The recession of the gums is characterized by the fact that the gums shrink, exposing the dentin.

The problem can be caused by an infection (such as gingivitis) or even by having bad oral hygiene practices such as brushing hard or using a toothbrush with very hard bristles.

At the first symptoms of receding gums, the necessary measures should be taken to prevent sensitivity from appearing in our teeth.

5. Age

Age can also be one of the causes of tooth sensitivity. Over the years, the enamel of our teeth is lost as part of a natural cycle.

That is why, in some cases, this exposes the dentin, causing high sensitivity, but fortunately there are some treatments to reduce the discomfort.

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