What Is The Mind Of A Bipolar Like?

People with bipolar disorder often have instability in their attitudes and drastic mood swings that can cause their condition to be often mistaken for depression.

One of the mood disorders that are highly complex both when defining and dealing with it is bipolar disorder, explains Julia Márquez Arrico, doctor in Clinical Psychology. Therefore, it is common for many to ask themselves: what is the mind of a bipolar like?

Above all, it must be understood that bipolar disorder is not a choice or a ‘way of being’. Nor is it a multiple or double personality condition, since it is about different states.

The person with bipolar disorder does not have difficulty identifying himself, but his mood swings are so drastic that his attitudes become antonyms and difficult to explain.

The mind of a bipolar: diagnosis

The diagnosis of this condition is very complicated, especially since the person who suffers from it hardly seeks help. It is also made difficult by the instability in their attitudes.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that bipolar disorder can be confused with other problems, such as depression.

To diagnose a person with this disorder, it is necessary to analyze them for a long period of time. Although this disease does not have a permanent cure, it is possible (and very feasible) to treat it with therapy and a change in daily activities.

  • It is highly recommended that people with this condition exercise, attend psychological therapy, practice yoga or other activity that relaxes them.
  • Above all, they should surround themselves with people who understand you and give you lots of affection.

The environment will play a fundamental role in his treatment, since it is usual that, due to his own condition, the bipolar refuses to receive medical help.

Attitudes of a person with bipolarity

Keep in mind that only a professional can determine whether, indeed, a person’s attitudes can be considered (or not) as part of a bipolar disorder or another psychological problem.

Therefore, consider the following attitudes as guidelines, which may indicate that a person may have bipolar disorder.

1. Drastic changes in your mood

Mood swings

Support and counseling are crucial

It should be borne in mind that a person with bipolar disorder usually has very intense or extreme moods. We are not to judge you, but to support and encourage you to go to psychological therapy, so that you feel better and can have the best possible quality of life.

Now that you know a bit about the mind of a bipolar, try to understand him and remember: bipolar disorder is a problem that should not be taken lightly. 

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