Which Position Is Better For Sleeping?

The best posture at bedtime will depend a lot on whether we suffer from any ailment or some special condition. Generally, the most beneficial is the left lateral

Sleeping and resting well is essential to preserve our health. In this the position in which we do it influences a lot, since not all of them are equally recommended. And it is that sleep acts as a brain restorer and position can influence a lot during this process.

Apparently, according to several studies, the best posture to sleep is on the side and this has a scientific explanation. This position is also known as “lateral decubitus”, and it is best to sleep in the left lateral decubitus position.

Sleeping on the left side favors the processes of the glymphatic system

Better sleep without pills

Although it seems incredible, sleeping on the left side can promote the processes of the glymphatic system. It is the debris cleansing pathway from the nervous system. It is the only way that it can be cleaned up and can be cared for with a simple gesture.

By simply sleeping on the left side, we will get our glymphatic system to correctly clean waste from the body, something that does not happen so precisely if we sleep in another position.

Relieves heartburn


Sleeping on the left side will help you improve possible heartburn problems. And it is that a study that was carried out among patients suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), assured that the difference that the degree of ailment could acquire depending on the side used to sleep was very striking.

Thus, it was concluded that sleeping on the left side was more favorable for patients with this problem and helped them not to have reflux. Of course, if the heartburn problem is alleviated, it will be much easier to fall asleep and rest.

Perfect for pregnant women

If you are pregnant and already have an advanced stage of pregnancy, you will know that sleeping becomes a difficult task and many times you do not just get to sleep well all night. This can be solved with the left lateral decubitus position.

And it is that it is a position that is beneficial for both the mother and the fetus, since it increases the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta. This will allow future moms to breathe better than on their backs, a position in which the lungs are compressed.

If you also use pillows to prop up your legs and belly, you will rest even better, since you will not strain your spine and hips.

If you sleep on your stomach, consider changing your position

To sleep
Sleeping on your stomach not only won’t help you fall asleep, it ‘s the worst possible position to rest. It is a posture that affects the natural position of the back, causing it to curve and put pressure on the vertebrae.

In addition, it is a posture that also elevates the neck and compresses the stomach and lungs, which will interrupt your ability to breathe deeply and oxygenation will not be of quality.

As you can imagine, it is not a recommended position for people with reflux problems, much less for pregnant women.

Visit this article: 8 tips to sleep in summer without being hot

Recommendation for those who sleep on their back

Sleep a little

This position is one of the most recommended, although not the best, since as we discussed the most appropriate is the left side. For this posture to be healthy, the type of pillow you use is essential, since it is a requirement that the pillow is not too high.

Under no circumstances should you use any neck brace, so it is best to use a low and soft option. Of course, for people with breathing problems and who tend to snore, this is not the best position, since in this position it is much more likely to snore due to the pressure exerted on the throat.

The reason? It is a posture that prevents the free flow of air and the lungs are compressed by our own weight.

Of course, people with back problems are in the best position, because it is the only position in which this part of the body lies naturally. If this is your case, take note, because it will be the one that guarantees you rest.

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