Why Is Coffee With Milk And Pastries A Bad Breakfast?

If we do not want to give up coffee with milk in our breakfast, it is convenient that we opt for an organic and non-roasted variety, accompanied by vegetable milk and sweetened with honey.

In many countries, having a coffee with milk and a piece of pastries for breakfast is very common. If we ask those who take it, they may already know that it is not the healthiest option in the world.

However, do you know that it can actually be quite harmful?

In this article we explain why and offer you some much healthier alternatives. 

The coffee


Is coffee good or bad for your health? We could say, however, that the amount we take is also essential.

Nutritionists disagree, since while some highlight its excellent antioxidant properties, others criticize it for being a stimulant that acidifies the body and affects the functioning of the liver.

The coffee we consume on a regular basis is not a very healthy food. However, we can turn it into a medicinal food if we choose an organic and non-roasted coffee, always consumed in moderation.

In this way, we can keep coffee as part of breakfast without any regrets.


vegan milk for breakfast

Milk is another object of debate among nutritionists. However, the truth is that there are many people who do not digest the lactose in milk well, since after taking it they feel bloated or heavy. This may be due to a lactose intolerance problem.

This, added to coffee, tends to cause digestive upset for many people. However, they don’t want to give up their daily latte.

Our healthy alternative is to choose a vegetable drink that we like both for its flavor and its properties. One of the healthiest is coconut milk, but we can also choose oatmeal, rice, almond, hazelnut, etc. We find more and more variety and, in addition, we can also make them at home in a simple way.

We do not recommend soy milk, which can also cause digestive discomfort, in addition to other health problems.

Sugar and saccharin

Neither white sugar nor sweeteners should be part of our diet.

Not only because they are harmful to health, but because we also have much healthier alternatives. Among them we can choose bee honey, panela, fruit and cereal molasses, etc.

White sugar acidifies the body and causes progressive demineralization. As a consequence, it can be the cause of tooth decay, osteoporosis and other pathologies related to mineral deficiencies.

The pastry

Best homemade breakfast pastries

The bakery products are a combination of refined flours, sugar, hydrogenated fats and additives.

It is true that there are exceptions. For example, places where they are made with natural ingredients and in an artisanal way or, better still, those that we can prepare at home.

In that case we can make it with whole grain flours from different cereals, organic eggs, quality olive or coconut oil, panela or honey, fruits, nuts, etc.

This change will turn our breakfast into a nutritious, satisfying meal that is much more beneficial for the health of our liver, our kidneys and our intestines.

Is there the perfect breakfast?

We have already turned our unhealthy breakfast into a much more beneficial one, by choosing:

  • Ecological and non-roasted coffee with vegetable drink and honey.
  • Cereal bread toast with avocado and olive oil.

Is it a perfect breakfast? Without a doubt, it is a very healthy breakfast, but perfection will depend on whether we provide our body with what it needs.

We must take into account age, schedules, lifestyle, level of effort and other variables when finding the most appropriate option for our case. However, our breakfast should include the following:

  • A piece of fresh and seasonal fruit: Pineapple, papaya, apple, pear, plums, avocado, etc.
  • A serving of protein: Nuts, seeds, avocado, cheese, tuna, egg, turkey sausage, hummus, cocoa, etc.
  • A serving of cereals: Toast or whole grain sandwich, oatmeal, vegetable drink, etc.
  • Healthy fats: Coconut oil, avocado, dairy, nuts, olive oil, butter or ghee , etc.

We can also opt for one of the famous and delicious green smoothies. Luckily they allow us to include all these ingredients in the blender.

We can also add other superfoods such as spirulina, maca, brewer’s yeast, ginger, cinnamon, pollen, wheat germ, hemp, etc.

What are you waiting for to have a healthy breakfast?

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