3 Social Skills That We Should Develop More

The social skills that will help us to better connect with others are very easy to carry out and have innumerable benefits, both for us and for those around us.

Social skills are essential to relate to others  and also to feel balanced. For example, we may lack an important social skill such as the ability to be assertive. This will bring us many problems and sadness if we do not find a solution.

There are 3 soft skills that we will focus on today, because we consider them to be the most important and the ones we overlook the most. Are you ready to empower them and take advantage of everything they have to contribute to you?

Social skills to exploit

1. Smile more!

Surely little you stop to think about what you smile throughout the day. Do I do it a lot? Do I do it little? However, when you interact with others it is your cover letter, which will allow you to connect with other people.

Woman social skills

Smiling is a social skill that releases tension, charges you with positivity and makes you more accessible to others. Of course, as long as the smile is natural, never forced. Only true smiles make the heart feel good.

Sometimes it is difficult to stay positive, due to the daily problems and difficulties that can make us bitter. But remember that among everything bad there is always something good and, perhaps, smiling is the key to that.

2. Ask more often

When you were little, surely you asked a lot of questions because you didn’t know everything and curiosity prompted you to want to know what caught your attention. However, as you got older this progressively changed. Perhaps because of social norms, criticisms or value judgments that are taking their toll.

However, asking more often is more than necessary, important. How many times have you assumed something that in the end did not turn out as you thought? Did you ever worry about what had no reason to be? On more than one occasion this has caused you unnecessary stress or anxiety.

Never feel ashamed to ask more than you have to. Asking is wanting to know and that, in addition to being intelligent, will allow you to learn.

3. Speak slowly

Friends talking

If you find yourself trying to make someone see the reality of things, you have surely caught yourself talking too fast and getting very nervous.

This occurs because euphoria and nervousness make breathing and everything accelerate, causing the words to come out in droves from our mouth in an effort to make us understand. However, this can make the situation worse. We will adopt a defensive attitude and come to an understanding, then, it will be a difficult task.

Sometimes all this happens because we cannot find the necessary arguments to convince the other and we get nervous about not carrying the conversation to a successful conclusion.

  • Remember that the calmer you convey your message, the better others will listen to you. In addition, you will transmit much more confidence.
  • If the message is communicated in an aggressive way and with palpable nervousness, what you have to say will not reach others in the same way.

Grow as people


The social skills described allow us to grow as people, develop and mature. Interestingly, they are the easiest to carry out and yet we do not pay adequate attention to them. So what are we waiting for to start putting them into practice?

Surely you have heard of others, such as empathy or active listening, which are more difficult to solve when we have not developed them. They require a big change and a great effort. However, smiling, asking more questions, and speaking more slowly are attitudes that start with a small step.

Doing so will bring you several benefits, your relationships with others will improve and you will feel much happier. Interpersonal relationships are important to human beings. That is why giving them due attention to improve them is essential.

Are you already reinforcing all the mentioned social skills? Do you feel that you have to influence one more than others? Being aware of this is very positive, as it will allow you to strengthen your relationships and make communication with others more effective and better.

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