5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Breaking Up

Breaking up with a relationship is a very difficult decision to make  but, at the same time, a very important one. Therefore, it would be essential to take this situation as an opportunity to ask ourselves certain highly relevant questions.

Questions that will make us open our eyes and reflect on whether we are choosing this option of rupture well or if, on the contrary, we are taking the wrong path.

Also, all these issues will help us learn from that relationship so that, if we break up, we can establish healthier bonds in the future.

1. Were you looking for the “model” of the ideal partner in the other person?

This is very important, because we all have expectations and sometimes they play tricks on us. Sometimes, we do not consider the other person a human being, but a prototype, something that, without a doubt, will not turn out well.

Expectations are just that and, over time, we can see them frustrated, which will cause us disappointment and cause us to recriminate the other person for certain things.

It is essential that we take this into account to know if this is the problem that has led us to want to break the relationship. In the event that this is the case, let’s learn to remove that blindfold that makes us fall in love with an ideal, but not with a real human being.

2. Is my relationship toxic?

If breaking up with a relationship is a decision that is made due to a discomfort that has arisen and has been increasing, it is necessary to reflect on how toxic the relationship could have been. For this, it is important to take some distance and, above all, time.

Feelings, emotions, and pain can cause us to not see clearly and not to notice signs of abuse, manipulation, lies, and mistreatment that have harmed us.

If we are in a toxic relationship, it is essential to break it as soon as possible. And it is that, as the term itself points out, it poisons, damages and makes two people suffer who are not enjoying their relationship or their love.

3. Is the situation in which I find myself calm or is stress predominant?

Although it may seem trivial, periods of high work and significant stress can make us less flexible, less tolerant, and make hasty and incorrect decisions.

When we are in a phase of great stress and even anxiety, we can push anything to the limit and even lose perspective of everything that happens around us.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account whether or not we are in a quiet period of our life, because that may be why we are deciding to break up with a relationship.

4. Are third parties affecting my relationship?

The importance of other people in our relationships is higher than we think. Therefore, asking ourselves this question is of great relevance.

Sometimes, the refusal of a father who does not admit the relationship that his son has, for example, can cause conflicts and discord between the couple who do not live their relationship in a healthy way.

When a parent rejects our partner we can feel attacked, hurt.

The worst thing is that all of this, unconsciously, we are going to project onto our partner on which we will drop each and every one of our frustrations.

5. Do I trust my decision or do I have doubts?

We have been educated to pay close attention to the opinions that others have about aspects of our lives about which we should have a solid judgment.

If a friend tells you that the relationship does not suit you, that they do not like your partner or if, on the contrary, they tell you what you are missing, how are you going to let that great game escape …

All of this can affect whether or not to make a decision based on what others tell you.

Therefore, it is very important that you are clear about what you want, that you get away from all opinion and dive inside looking for the answer that only you know.

Before breaking up with a relationship, ask yourself these 5 questions. You will discover things about yourself that you did not know, you will learn from this experience and, above all, you will trust that the decision you are going to make is the right one.

Illustrations courtesy of Paula Bonet.

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