6 Good Reasons To Drink Milk With Honey

Drinking milk with honey is a delicious option to fill that craving for something sweet and warm before bed.  Its innumerable benefits also make it ideal.

Here we tell you.

Honey has been used as a natural remedy for many diseases for its antibacterial, antioxidant and antifungal properties. This is stated in this study carried out by the Señor de Sipán University (Lambayeque, Peru).

In addition, its calming and anti-inflammatory effect also helps alleviate topical problems, according to this research carried out by the Central Clinic “Cira García” in Havana, Cuba.

For its part, milk has always been a highly valued drink due to its content of vitamins (A, group B and D) and minerals (especially calcium). In addition, it is rich in animal protein and lactic acid.

For this reason, milk with honey can bring numerous benefits to your health. We tell you some.

1. Protect your skin

Milk and honey have nutritional and antimicrobial properties that work in perfect harmony when you combine them, as we have discussed previously.

Today, many beauty products include both as their main ingredients. Its mixture can provide you with radiant and healthy skin.

  • Drinking milk with honey will help your skin from within .
  • If you prefer, you can take a bath of milk and honey, mixed in equal parts with the water in the tub.  Your skin will nourish itself from the outside by absorbing its properties.

2. Improve your digestion

Honey has prebiotic properties. This means that stimulates the growth and development of beneficial bacteria that are of great help to your intestine and digestive system.

On the other hand, the carbohydrates and oligosaccharides contained in honey also promote the healthy and proper functioning of beneficial bacteria for your digestive tract. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Auckland (New Zealand).

All this translates into benefits for problems of:

  • Constipation
  • Intestinal cramps
  • Swelling
  • Harmful bacteria

3. Does it improve your stamina?Exercises for men to strengthen .

 Milk is a rich source of calcium. For this reason, drinking milk with honey will provide you with the nutrients that your body needs for the health of your bones, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Tehran (Iran).

In addition, it will help optimize absorption to help you  more efficiently prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and joint inflammation .

5. Fight insomnia

Drinking milk with warm honey before bed is one of the best known ways to fall asleep when insomnia strikes. .

If you analyze their properties individually, both honey and milk are effective for this purpose, but when together their effect is intensified.

  • Honey is one of the sweet foods that has the rare quality of helping you have more control over the insulin you produce. This causes your brain to release more tryptophan, which is then converted to serotonin. This is stated by this information obtained from the Ecocolmena platform, a partner of the Spanish Association of Beekeepers.
  • Milk, for its part, contains tryptophan, which will help you increase the need to go to sleep, according to this study carried out by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

6. Has anti-aging properties

The combination of milk and honey provides great benefits to the rest of your body, as it helps in its agility and rejuvenation. In ancient times, many civilizations drank milk with honey to preserve their youthful appearance.

According to this study carried out by the University of La Frontera, honey has a very beneficial healing effect for our skin; Milk, thanks to lactic acid, works as a powerful anti-wrinkle, as suggested by this research by Dr. Walter P. Smith.

So take advantage of the benefits of the combination of milk and honey.

If you eat a balanced diet and have good habits, such as exercising regularly and avoiding tobacco, the benefits of this combination will have greater effects on you.

Remember, you should never give honey to children under one year of age.

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