8 Herbs That You Can Use To Improve Your Lung Health

To avoid negative reactions at the respiratory level and improve our lung health we can include in a neutral daily routine the consumption of these natural infusions with cleansing properties

The lungs are vital organs, since they are responsible for providing us with the oxygen that our cells require and are responsible for expelling carbon dioxide through expiration. Its functions go far beyond respiratory purposes as they are necessary to filter harmful particles and agents that are in the environment.

The problem is that they are so complex and delicate that your health is compromised by the accumulation of toxins and various types of infections. As a consequence,  a series of negative reactions are triggered at the respiratory level,  and diseases are generated that can affect the quality of life.

There are several ingredients of natural origin that, after being ingested, support this system to improve its purification capacity. We want to share 8 healthy herbs whose properties protect and improve lung health.

Don’t stop trying them!

1. Thyme

Thyme is one of the herbs that is recommended for the relief of irritation and congestion of the respiratory tract. Its essential oils exert an antibiotic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect that, in addition to strengthening the immune system, promotes the cleaning of the lungs. Both the consumption of its infusion and the inhalation of its vapors can serve as a remedy to stimulate the elimination of toxins retained in the system.

2. Licorice root

Licorice roots

Licorice root is a root that has become popular around the world for its many medicinal applications. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds decrease inflammation of the respiratory passages and throat. Thus, they facilitate the passage of oxygen to the cells. Incidentally, they help soften the body’s mucous membranes, including those that line the lungs and throat.

Its expectorant and antibacterial effects help eliminate excess phlegm, controlling congestion and breathing difficulties. In addition to its essential nutrients, it increases the body’s immune response to the presence of viruses and bacteria.

As if that were not enough, it provides significant amounts of flavonoids, antioxidants that inhibit cell damage to help prevent lung cancer.

3. Oregano

Oil of oregano next to a bowl with leaves of the plant

Oregano is an aromatic herb that stands out for its high content of rosmarinic acid and carvacrol, two antioxidants that help to stop the production of histamine in cases of respiratory allergies. Its anti-inflammatory and expectorant agents help to clear the airways, facilitating elimination. of the phlegm and toxins retained in the lungs. The natural oil obtained from its leaves is an effective remedy against bacterial infections, such as the flu or cold.

4. Plantain

Plantain leaves and a bottle with its essence

Plantain has been used since ancient times as a powerful remedy that relieves irritation of the mucous membranes in the lungs and throat. It is a totally natural solution for the treatment of cough and, in fact, it concentrates antibiotic and anti-inflammatory substances. Your lung health will thank you.

5. Sage

Bunch of sage leaves

The natural drink of sage is a natural remedy against irritation of the lungs, especially in smoking patients. Its antibacterial and cleansing compounds help eliminate toxic compounds that are retained in your tissues. They provide relief from congestion and breathing difficulties.

6. Eucalyptus

Handful of eucalyptus leaves

The aroma of eucalyptus is used as a supplement to promote lung health. Although not all tolerate its compounds, most tend to find quick relief from congestion, coughing, and irritation of the nasal passages. Its active compound, cineole, gives it an expectorant and anti-inflammatory action that helps treat conditions such as bronchitis, asthma and common colds.

In addition, it provides powerful antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system.

7. Peppermint

Peppermint leaves in a wooden bowl

Peppermint and its essential oil contain menthol, which is great for lung health. This substance relaxes the smooth muscles of the airways. It also has antihistamine and detoxifying properties that help curb the symptoms of respiratory allergies.

8. Mullein

Mullein flowers and infusion

The leaves and flowers of the mullein plant have active ingredients that help strengthen and purify the lungs. Its natural extracts promote the elimination of toxins and, incidentally, control the excessive production of mucus and inflammation.

Do you have any shortness of breath? If so, feel free to try any of the herbs mentioned to restore your lung health.

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