About Homemade Scrubs To Remove Blackheads

The use of homemade scrubs has become widely popular, given the ease of its preparation and application. Some are made from ingredients that are not very aggressive to the skin, such as honey and rolled oats, but others are made up of potentially harmful ingredients.

So not all recommended homemade scrubs are beneficial. Even when they are made with natural ingredients and easy to mix.

To eliminate blackheads and other imperfections, first of all, it is essential to follow the instructions of a dermatologist.

Blackheads, a common type of blemish

Blackheads appear when oil and dirt accumulate in the skin follicle, harden and clog the pore. The part that is exposed to the air oxidizes and takes on a black tone, which is what is usually seen with the naked eye.

At some point, we’ve all had blackheads, so there’s no need to worry. What can be done is to counteract the effects it has.

Black spots on the nose and cheeks.

Specifically, people who have very large pores, as well as very oily skin on the face are more likely to have blackhead problems.

In addition, the older the age, the more prone the skin becomes to suffer from certain diseases. And in this sense, having these small accumulations of dirt can make the situation worse. Therefore, it is crucial to use a specific cleaning method, as directed by the dermatologist, with suitable products.

Homemade scrubs not recommended

Homemade scrubs that should not be used, under any circumstances, are all those that contain:

  • Peroxide.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.
  • Apple vinager.
  • Lemon juice (or other citrus fruits).

    Applying any of these elements on the skin can be harmful, since it would not only dry it excessively, but it would also irritate it and lead to the appearance of more blemishes. Therefore, avoid them!

    Not all skins are the same or have the same care, therefore, not everyone needs to exfoliate with the same frequency or with the same type of products. Hence, in part, the importance of following the professional’s recommendations.

    Deborah García Bello, chemist, author and scientific communicator, emphasizes dismantling the myths around cosmetics, as this will help to better choose the most suitable ones for daily skin care.

    A homemade solution: paper towels and egg whites


    To eliminate blackheads in a homemade way, there are those who recommend using  egg whites and disposable tissues (clínex), following the following steps:

    • Wash your face with warm water and mild soap and take a shower. The vapors from the water will help the pores to open, which will make it easy for you to proceed with the removal of the blackheads later.
    • Apply the egg white all over your face, using circular massages ; Or focus on the areas where you want to extract the blackheads.
    • Next, gently place a tissue over your face and apply another layer of egg white (on the paper towel). It should be soaked.
    • Wait a few minutes for it to dry completely and then carefully remove it. You will see how some blackheads come out.

    Are homemade scrubs the only thing that can help?

    Pinching your skin at home is not the best way to combat blemishes such as blackheads. Therefore, it is best to go to a dermatologist for a professional cleaning, as appropriate. 

    Once you have seen your dermatologist, solve all the doubts you have with him to be able to carry out a good care routine. You will see that, following their advice, your skin will be cleaner and healthier.

    Finally, keep in mind that the professional will always be able to inform you in detail about the different types of treatments that exist to take care of the skin, rejuvenate it, eliminate imperfections … according to your skin type and needs.

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