According To A Study, Walking May Be Beneficial For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that causes fatigue, pain throughout the body, and problems with sleep and concentration. In general, it tends to take time to be diagnosed, since the symptoms tend to be associated with other health problems.

However, once the doctor diagnoses it, the person must follow a treatment that is adjusted to their characteristics and needs.

The latest news about this pathology has found a match between most of the cases. According to this  study carried out by a team from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, an activity as simple as walking for half an hour a day could be helpful in reducing the associated symptoms.

Fibromyalgia and the need to be active

In this research work, 920 patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were treated. The goal was to help them reduce their pain and improve their quality of life.

It was started from the following premise: it was known that fibromyalgia shows great improvement as long as the person remains active.

This is how this research carried out by a team from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana explains it ,  where it is suggested that physical exercise could be beneficial for the sick.

They must move and, within their possibilities, perform a moderate table of exercises. However, according to data from the study itself, only 31% of patients carried it out.

For many affected, pain prevents them from maintaining that activity that they previously practiced. In addition, many times the motivational or emotional factor would be added to this .

Difficulty exercising when you have fibromyalgia

When a fibromyalgia patient wakes up in the morning, their body tends to feel numb, stiff, and very sore. Starting the day in this way is really complex.

  • The most common is that that person already has enough to get up, dress, prepare breakfast and go to work. For many, going out for a walk early or late in the day at the end of the day is impossible.
  • To this is added, in many cases, medication. There are drugs that relax. For this reason, it is not always easy to find that “strength” to go to the gym, to dance classes or to practice an exercise table at home.
  • Another aspect to keep in mind is insomnia. Many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia tend to suffer from sleep cycle disturbances, as suggested by this research by a team from the General Hospital of Ciudad Real.

All this generates metabolic changes that increase the feeling of exhaustion. Therefore, it is not easy for them to commit to exercising every day.

Walking is one of the best exercises that can be practiced in case of fibromyalgia

In the present study, neurologists tried to design a program where the 920 experimental subjects found a better quality of life. All this thanks to something as simple as walking between 30 and 40 minutes every day.

For this, the following strategy was carried out:

  • Cognitive and motivational therapy was added to the pharmacological treatment that each patient received. In this, walking was the purpose to fulfill every day.
  • One way to achieve this was also by bringing together other people diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The social contact, mutual support and talks that were previously held were very effective.
  • The motivation and commitment shown by everyone in the study was very encouraging.

Although many had to cope with pain and fatigue before starting, the feeling of peace from walking through quiet surroundings in good company was always an incentive.


After a few months the first results could be obtained. Although fibromyalgia is a chronic disease for which there is no treatment, walking could alleviate the intensity of pain to a very positive degree.

The sensation of stiffness in the joints and the intense pain in points such as the neck, hips, clavicle or knees was reduced significantly.

To this had to be added the emotional factor. Walking invites you to change scenarios. In addition, it helps  prevent pain from becoming that eternal companion to carry on your back.

woman walking with weights

Thus, to the extent that the disease itself allows, it is advisable to remain minimally active. Going for a walk each day in good company can be excellent therapy.

Consult with a physical health specialist

Although it is advisable to exercise if you suffer from fibromyalgia, it is important to have the help of a professional. You can consult with a physiotherapist, who will give you the best guidelines to start a workout.

In the same way, if exercising makes you feel worse or aggravates your symptoms, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. Your well-being always comes first.

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