Discover The Properties Of These 10 Nuts

Nuts are superfoods with protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and also minerals. They have the virtue of providing us with a large amount of nutrients when we eat them in moderate amounts, so that they cannot be lacking in our diet.

Discover in this article which are the 10 best nuts, as well as all their health properties. Keep in mind that they have to be introduced in the context of a balanced diet.

Nuts in the diet

Nuts cannot be absent from our nutritional pyramid, since they are a very energetic and complete natural food. The ideal amount is a handful a day, although we can increase it if we need it for any health reason and we are not overweight.

Although they are reputed to be fattening, if we consume the right ration not only will we not gain weight, but we will also benefit from its high satiating power and avoid snacking on other less healthy foods.

  • We recommend consuming them raw (activated for a few hours in soaking) or roasted, but not fried or processed.
  • When they are cooked with oils and subjected to high temperatures, not only do they lose their medicinal properties, but they also make us gain weight more easily and harm our health.

What nuts do we choose?

We are going to tell you which are the best nuts.

1. Walnut

Macadamia nut

Walnuts are famous for their brain-like shape, which gives us a clue of the benefits it brings to improve memory and concentration.

Its essential fatty acid content is very suitable to protect the cardiovascular system and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

2. Almond

The almond is a delicate and very nutritious dried fruit with which drinks and oils are usually made, thanks to its high content of healthy fats.

It has vitamins of group B and vitamin E; minerals like zinc, iron, calcium, copper, and potassium. Keep in mind that potassium has been shown to help modulate blood pressure.

They are great food for:

  • People with bone problems.
  • Kids.
  • Athletes.
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.

3. Hazelnut

hazelnut nuts

Hazelnut is a delicious dried fruit that stands out for its high fiber content, which favors intestinal transit and also regulates blood sugar levels.

It also contains folic acid and vitamin E, a great antioxidant that protects us from free radicals. This is evidenced by a study published in IUBMB Life.

We can make a homemade cocoa and hazelnut cream, without sugar and without milk, to have a healthy alternative to the famous spreadable cream.

4. Pistachio

Pistachio is the best nut to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and bloating. It has iron and phytosterols; in addition, it has a great antioxidant power.

5. Pine nut one of the best valued nuts


Its high content of vitamins and minerals make the pine nut an excellent physical and mental restorative. They have protein, fat and fiber. This last component is key to preventing constipation, according to a study published in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

  • With the pine nut, the delicious pesto sauce is made, accompanied by basil leaves, garlic, olive oil, among other ingredients.

6. Brazil nut

The Brazil nut stands out for being the dried fruit with the highest content of selenium, an essential mineral for health, but one that we cannot abuse.

  • For this reason, the ideal daily amount is two or three walnuts.
  • They also count magnesium.

7. Macadamia nut

Macadamia nuts benefits

This variety of nuts provides us with a large amount of nutrients, such as:

  • Omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids.
  • Vitamins of group B, C and E.
  • Minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and also iron).

In addition to their high content of healthy fats, they stand out for their delicate flavor and creaminess. 

8. Cashew

Cashew nuts are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and omega 6 fatty acids, which according to the Spanish Heart Foundation are very beneficial for heart health. 

They also contain copper, selenium, and magnesium.

9. Peanut

Peanuts (Peanuts)

The peanut is not actually a nut, as it falls under the category of legume. However, it is known and consumed as a dried fruit.

  • It is an excellent source of protein and gives us energy and vitality.
  • We can also consume it in the form of the famous peanut spread.

10. Chestnut

Chestnuts are a nutritional exception among nuts, as they are low in fat and high in carbohydrates (almost half of their composition).

  • They stand out for their high potassium and folate content.
  • We will cook them in the pan, in the oven or on the grill until they are almost burned on the outside.

Include nuts in the diet

As you have seen, consuming nuts is important to help ensure good health. Each of them has special properties, all of them beneficial. However, do not forget that they are very caloric foods. In this sense, consume them regularly but in moderation.

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